The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive

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Hey shredlife, please get in contact with me by PM or email

You won the member guessing contest. Send me your postal address and we will send your Skullcandy headphones and beanie.

Well done! cool smile

Btw, it was between Dave99 and shredlife. It was closer to Dave for most of the day, then shredlife in the last 3-4 hours.

rider26 - 02 July 2009 02:21 AM

Hey shredlife, please get in contact with me by PM or email

You won the member guessing contest. Send me your postal address and we will send your Skullcandy headphones and beanie.

Well done! cool smile

Btw, it was between Dave99 and shredlife. It was closer to Dave for most of the day, then shredlife in the last 3-4 hours.

Noooooooooo..What was the number”...

If you bid Over the number on The Price is Right , you lose…......Just Say`n…

Congrats Shredlife


Shredlife seems like a cool guy.

What was the number?
I guess I was way over?!


I threw the peice of paper out, but I think Dave’s guess was 517 and shredlife’s was 650. The correct number was 605.


No second place prizes?

rider26 - 02 July 2009 01:30 PM

I threw the peice of paper out, but I think Dave’s guess was 517 and shredlife’s was 650. The correct number was 605.

I had 512

and if we played by The Price is Right rules of “the closest withOUT going over” , I would have won..

I knew that I should have asked the rules before we started..

In my world..I still won..YaaaaaY cool smile

congrats Shredlife


thankfully bob barker doesnt rule the world. im stoked! good match dave… ahhaa. i was always the kid losing the jellybean guessing contest when I was younger, this feels like bitter sweet revenge


Thanks shredlife, got your email. Prize on the way…

Well done.