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Hi there,
I’ve been snowboarding a few times and going again this Christmas, really looking forward to it as it’s been a few years. I’m looking to buy myself a pair of boots as the last two times I went I felt the boots they provided didn’t fit very well, were really beaten up and kinda stinky.
I’m generally a size 10-11UK so ordered myself a pair of Burton Rampant 2016/17 boots online in 10.5UK. The liner removed from the boot fits like a glove, really couldn’t be more perfect. When I have the liner inside the boot though I’m aware of my toes rubbing against the front and the boots feel quite narrow, pinching my feet in tightly. I figure if they hurt now they’re gonna really hurt after hours on the slope, unless the boots loosen up with some use?
I think I’ll probably return these and head to a shop to get fitted properly.
Thanks for any tips in the meantime
Welcome to BW, @Jnana!
All boots are going to pack out to some degree once you break them in. Heat moulding can speed up the process. That said, breaking in boots doesn’t necessarily mean they are well fitted to your foot shape.
You hit the nail on the head saying “I think I’ll probably return these and head to a shop to get fitted properly.” <—- That’s the best advice. Go to a shop and get boot fitted properly.
This is the reason we don’t sell boots online. Until we can offer a boot fitting service, we won’t sell them online. It’s impossible to fit properly without trying them on first.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks for the reply. I decided to try a few different boots when I go on holiday over Christmas. The board/boot rental is all inclusive so I’ll hopefully try out a medium and then a stiffer boot later in the week to see which I prefer.