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Is a 155cm wide pbj 2017 okay for me?

I’m looking at the 155 pbj wide but it’s recommended I get at least a 160cm board. I’m about 110kgs at 5"11. Could I get away with the 155cm? Cheers


Hey @zakkb,

What size boots do you wear? What is your riding style? Where are you riding?

It’s definitely a short board for you, but let me know re: above and I’ll give you my final thoughts.



Thanks for your response.
I’m a size 13 and want to start riding park

zakkb - 13 September 2017 10:01 AM


Thanks for your response.
I’m a size 13 and want to start riding park

big boot and weight for a 55. should be up around the 59-61 mark. or at least a 58w.


You should be alright on the waist, but really, the board is too small. In my opinion, you should definitely be on a bigger board. If you only want to ride rails and you want your board super playful for jibbing, you could probably make it work… but for everything else, you’re going to struggle with stability, especially on jump landings etc.If you have a choice, go for a bigger board for sure.

I would go for something like: