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Nitro Zero vs NOW Select

Hi guys, decided to get a new set of bindings recently as my contact pro’s have huge issues and I want to try something other than union.

I ride a 156 Springbreak twin and do a little bit of everything from riding park and doing freestyle to hiking and hitting backcountry (I have a powder board for this), ideally want something to complement the contact pros and not replace them.

Currently a toss up between Nitro Zeros which I am pretty sure will be a great binding and be very enjoyable, but seems like it will be very similar to my contacts.
The other option is the NOW select, which looks extremely different from anything I have previously ridden but the skate tech seems really neat, they look pretty ugly though and seem really bulky.

I am also open to any other options people can suggest, cheers.


Sorry I missed your post, @Yenoh.

Have you purchased bindings yet?

Personally, I’m a huge fan of Skate-Tech. Now won me over a while ago and I have been stoked ever since. I ride the Pilot and Drives on my boards.

Question: What brand, model, and size of boots do you wear?

The reason I ask is certain Now models fit different boot volumes and sizes a bit better. For example, the Brigade, Pilot, and Drive has the new “Hanger 2.0” which is great for boots around the 9.5 - 10.5 mark as they can fit into a medium due to the wider heelcup. If you’re around this size, you might want to consider one of the mentioned models (all great bindings).


Just want to mention that the Union Contact Pros are a park binding and are extremely flexible.

I would hate using these in the back-country.

But I would love a set of Union Atlas or Union Force bindings which are both stiffer and give you a much better carve and turn hold.

However, since you’re keen to try another brand, I’d look into the Now bindings as you’re already interested and they are pretty damn good even if they aren’t the best looking!