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To be honest I’m not fussed, I figgered I’d just let you know.
You’re prolly right about cookie duration because I don’t clear my cookies often and haven’t been.
I’ll let you know in 13 more days if it’s happening if you want.
@rider26 Had to log in just now!!!!!
I did do a OS Update this mornin!!!!!
BW is the only site that I had to log back into!!!!!
Hope this helps?????
Thanks @Mizu Kuma.
Other than that has it been working OK?
Yeah, the only time it’s done it since the last bout!!!!! @rider26
Been a few days, but it’s logged me out again this mornin!!!!! @rider26
iPhone 6, Safari, latest iOS!!!!!
Just lettin ya know that it still logs me out at least once a day!!!!!