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Jake’s Backcountry Adventures

Great pics Jake


A sketchy spring day

Driving up to Charlotte Pass we were met with a snow covered road even though it was already 1030. There had been about 15cm of snow overnight and it was still snowing on and off. We parked up and headed straight for Club Lake knowing we were on a tight deadline to be back in Canberra.

There is still so much snow out there, we were able to skin from the river all the way up to Carruthers Peak. It was pretty icy the whole way and the sun only popped out a few times which worried me as we needed it to soften up the snow.

We arrived at Carruthers Peak and there was a nice wind lip with a big stash of pow so we rode that a few times and took some photos. We looked at the face down into Club Lake and it seemed pretty icy. Erryn wanted to jump of the top so he did that but when he landed I heard the ice on his edges, not a fun time. He radioed in and told me he was staying down as it was just too icy to get back up for another go unless he put crampons on. So I said I would meet him at the top of the chute.

I dropped from the top of the peak. As I entered I realised how icy it was. I decided a safety turn would be a good idea and then it happened. I lost my edge and it threw me onto my back and I was heading straight for the 300 foot cliff below. I was face forward on my back and travelling at 60km/h, I managed to get myself back around and slowly get my edge in. I stopped before the cliff and then Erryn said, “You di@k&e@d, I thought you were going to die, that was pretty bad”. I knew full well I had almost died, I should never have made that turn. I won’t bang on about it but it has taught me a valuable lesson and one I will never forget, it also shook me up for a good 24 hours.

After that I rode the Elevator chute and got photos as Erryn went down the chute on skiers right of Elevator. Tristyn rode a super juicy line down the ridge which was all pow, I really regretted not doing that after chasing the steeps that were icy. Then it was back to the river for the toe numbing crossing and the day was done. It was a really quick fun tour but it reminded me how a single decision out there can mean life or death.

me coming down elevator

Erryn approaching the blind roll into the chute

Trisyn riding out of her juicy pow line

Numbing the toes to end the day


Best backcountry lines of the season

Wow what a day, i’m still high on stoke even though I got home four hours ago. We had our best turns of the season in the backcountry so far this year.

When we arrived at Charlotte Pass we instantly noticed how much snow had melted in just two weeks. We were setting out to do a big mission but the weather had other plans. Despite the weather forecasting bluebird there was horrendous cloud covering all the steeps. We abandoned our initial plan of heading to Little Austria and Carruthers and headed straight for the East side of Mt Clarke as it was in full sun.

The night before there had been a freeze so the snow was nice and solid to walk on. The face of the Cirque was looking pretty steep with big glide cracks formed from the shifting snow. We climbed to the top and Erryn started doing some checks at the top of the cornice. The snow had softened and it looked amazing.

Just below the cornice there was a dodgy glide crack that was not safe at all. Erryn decided to drop in skiers left of it. He dropped in on his line, gapped a glide crack, just avoided the slough by pushing skiers right and rode out. It was the best line I have seen him ride, there was so many consequences if he stuffed up and he rode it fast. He radioed up to me that the snow was super predictable, fast and really fun.

After watching Erryns line I was super pumped. I decided on a line to skiers left of Erryns. I had a couple of glide cracks to negotiate and then it was all systems go. The snow was perfect, I opened up and let rip to the bottom. I was so stoked, finally some good snow where I didn’t have to worry about conditions.

After that we found a few nice cornice drops and spent a while dropping them and enjoying the awesome spring corn. We headed back after playing around for a couple of hours. How good is this for November turns.

On the way back we spoke with a guy who went out to Carruthers, he said conditions were that bad it was a complete white out and he navigated via compass to get back. He couldn’t even ski Club Lake visibility was that bad. We were stoked on our choice to stay low and we were rewarded with some of the best and possibly our last turns of the season. We had planned to try and ride a chute in December but my work has other ideas and it looks like I will be away.


nice trips jake! the tail grab and method shots are awesome.


@Jake, I just read through all your new posts. Absolutely epic stuff. Great effort getting out there this season. It really inspires me to explore the Australian backcountry. I’m relieved you’re still in one piece after that scary fall. I’m going to push this out on Facebook today. Awesome stuff, mate! ?


It’s up on TGR too v


Thanks guys, season isn’t over just yet, heading out on a solo trip tomorrow.


On Friday I headed up to Club Lake on my own for a few laps. I faced a brutal headwind on the way out (50-60km/h) and it took me 2 hours and 10 minutes to top out. Conditions are great up there and the south face is still loaded with snow. I rode three laps and the conditions were perfect, nice predictable spring corn.

It’s hard to explain why I love it out there so much but it really is the feeling of freedom and knowing every decision is yours to make. The speed the rush the joy and life flashing by is an amazing feeling.

I made a video which tells the story of my day, I didn’t see a single person the whole time out there. Australia is such an amazing place, I went from snowboarding on Friday to surfing Saturday and Sunday. Enjoy…................


Awesome stuff mate, I have really enjoyed your season shaka


Thanks @Azz  this will go down as one of my favourite seasons for sure. I have a bub on the way so there won’t be as many BC trips next year. Knee needs a reco too, been putting it off all year, so less BC trips might be good for that haha


And So It Ends

I awoke in sweat at 0500, it was already 25 degrees in Canberra. I had exactly 11 hours to get the mountain, ride some lines and get home by 1630. I questioned my motives and wondered if there would even be enough snow left in the chute I wanted to ride.

Mid December lines were my goal, the music was blaring the coffee was hot and suicidal kangaroos got me through the drive. I arrived at Charlotte Pass put my headphones in and began the grind up the steep path. Sweat trickled down my neck as the sun beat down while I climbed to the top, I was greeted with a familiar view but the main ingredient was terribly thin.

I began my decent down to the chutes opening hoping it was rideable. As I looked down into the chute the biggest cheesy grin spread across my face, it looked great. The snows condition was considerably worse than last time so I decided to ride safely and not charge it like three weeks ago.

I dropped into my last line of the year, it felt great. Making the turns surrounded by steep cliff walls, the sound of snow bouncing off the walls and soaking the atmosphere in. As I exited the chute I let out a whoop, threw my hands up and thanked the snow gods for a season that will go down as one of the best of my life.

Too hot to not go for a swim


i look like such a dork in my gear… great read bro. thumbsup