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The Fourth Phase


Anyone seen it yet, to say i was disappointed is an understatement, for those that have seen it did you like it?

I won’t say my reasons for now so as not to give away any spoilers


Was going to book in to see it at the cinemas next week. But since you say its a disappoint i will rethink spending $30 to see it


Don’t take my word for it though. It was just not what i expected or wanted it to be. I counted three lines all up to me that were epic and different, also a lot of down time in the movie as well. For me the first part set the scene for the whole movie and the soundtrack didn’t fit anything. Maybe i was just expecting Art of Flight or That’s It That’s All, it is nothing like them.



Was it because more of a nature/travel documentary movie and less riding?


@skip11 It wasn’t that, i’m trying not to give away spoilers. I felt the whole movie was overdone and to me it felt staged with a lot of the shots and voice over. I felt TR spent the whole time whinging when he was in these amazing places. There were certain scenes that just didn’t fit but I won’t give away spoilers for those that have not seen it. There was some amazing riding yes, but to me I just didn’t enjoy it, the music and the whining really brought the whole thing down. There just wasn’t enough stoke.

I absolutely loved Deeper, Further, Higher and I feel TR was going for that theme but to me it just didn’t fit.


Ah I see. I preordered it so I’ll have to wait till Oct 2nd for the premiere on and Oct 3rd for download. Can’t wait.


More excited for transworld, method and postland theory upcoming movies..


I saw it and kind of agree with you.

After I walked out of the cinema when Art of Flight finished, I wanted to quit my job and just go snowboarding (we actually sort of did that haha)

This movie didn’t have anywhere near the same amping effect of TITA or AoF….and I didn’t like the soundtrack as much, either this time around.

Having said all that, I’m still glad that I saw it. Lando makes everything fun and I think T.Rice’s ‘you’re either with us or against us’ attitude comes through a lot more in this film.

I especially liked the adventure to Russia….although the scene with the young kids was the most staged piece of crap ever - so I know what you mean about being overdone, too.


Kind of agree as well @cords . I still liked it but nothing comes close to The Art of Flight.

I came out of movies and it was like meh, it felt it was more about TR and his love for adventure on snow and off snow, and in same time I think there was more crazy shit going down in Art of Flight then in this movie.

Moves where quiet classic and not much of a wow factor to me. eg seen them all before.


Have to say I agree.  Perhaps it’s because this movie was fairly hyped up or it was the more serious tone, it certainly felt very staged and it was probably supposed to in many places - you don’t have the multiple high-end 4K cameras manned by a massive crew and not intend it to look very polished.

Without giving away too much, for me there were a few real highlights, the Japan sessions were outstanding - they could have done the whole movie there and I would have been happy!  The cutscene cinematography throughout the film was amazing.

Downsides were the last piece was cut very short - I’m sure there was a lot more footage than that (Jones got 1 line) but it kind of felt rushed, although the last Rice AK line - whoa….

Also Landvik - I know he’s had personal issues but to be paid to fly around the world on the trip and then start whining about not being able to “battle” anymore - grow up.

A small form of redemption would be a multi-episode series like they did with Art of Flight (I enjoyed the series more than the actual film).

Anyway, it was a fun way to spend a Sunday evening.



I had a mini premiere in my garage last night.
I gotta say I was a little disappointed, but still a great film. Hard to top the art of flight.


I just watched it on the RedBull TV “Global Premiere”

My thoughts summed up in a few fictional bylines:

The Fourth Phase: I have too much money and my friends are getting sick of me.

The Fourth Phase: One part snowboarding, 9 parts national geographic, all set to forgettable music.

The Fourth Phase: “Lando’s had enough.”

The Fourth Phase: “The search for the stoke.”

The Fourth Phase: Sorry but we fired M83.

Absolute props for the effort and the attempt at originality and “not just riding the same lines we always do”, but it feels more like he died and they made a memorial film about his life. And I don’t see the point in a movie that’s 50% about the things you failed to do. I’m curious how it’d be if Brain Farm had finished it!

Basically, his earlier films were about characters, a rad crew, being stoked, and were fun films. This is about Travis, Travis’s mindset, Travis’s wacky ideas, a pretty forced concept, failures, and pretty pictures. (Which are very very pretty mind you.) I really wanted to like this but: 4/10 stars


I liked the movie. I didn’t get the whole Travis whining vibe. I feel Travis is really trying to push it and wants it so bad that he doesn’t know when to stop.

The riding was great but a bit lackluster compared to Art of Flight. I was expecting a lil more out of this world riding like AoF did. Japan was definitely the best part.

Lando definitely made the movie more fun. Makes me even more stoked to be riding his board haha.


Just checked RBTV and there’s “Inside the Fourth Phase”, 6 x 15-20 minute eps - not really like Art of Flight: The Series but worth checking out…


I watched it and felt it didn’t live up to TAOF or even TITA.  There’s a few reasons for this but I’ve felt in each successive movie it has become a little more wanky.  TR seems to be self obsessed and acutely aware that the camera is always on him so as a result there’s no spontaneity or candid moments, it’s all prepped and staged and I think it lacks something because of it. 

There’s a distinct lack of joy and feels like doing a trip with someone where no matter how hard you try you’re just not able to motivate them to live in the moment and appreciate how amazing what you’re doing is.  I dunno what Lando’s personal issues have been (horrendous male pattern baldness brought on by wearing too many weird and wonderful beanies and head coverings?) but he just might be the guy I mentioned above.

TR is lost in waxing philosophical about self indulgent IWank and taking himself altogether too seriously.  EJack is welcome addition to the movie and brings some good riding and attitude.  Bode is one footing for something “new”, Iguchi seems to do a lot of watching from the sidelines, Jeremy is blink and you’ll miss it, Victor is impressive and a good injection of new blood, Pat Moore seems to have really come of age,  Mikkel had one tree jib that was sick and then I don’t really remember any of the other riders who were apparently in it.

The soundtrack is hit and miss, Kishi Bashi worked well in John Johns movie but not too sure how I feel about it in this.  With that said after hearing some of M83’s new album I completely understand why they steered clear for the most part of using them on this movie.

For a movie that promised so much it was a letdown.  TR and Lando have gone from being a couple of my favourite riders to coming across as self indulgent and whiny little bitches respectively.  It would appear they set out to do something different and ended up with a muddled storyline of more failures than successes.  Was interesting to see TR finally get smashed by the law of averages and props for including the footage in the movie, pretty gnarly stuff.  The way it was done was kinda depressive though.  I think Shredtopia dealt with that issue better.

All in all, I think it missed the mark, I’ll still watch it again but it won’t be on high rotation repeat like TITA and it won’t be something I think I could show my non snowboarding mates like TAOF either.  I think I’d like to put together a highlight reel from the movie about 30mins long that would serve as a 4K visual spectacle without all the pseudo zen philosophising and depressive whinging and that “would make a darn good movie”.



I watched this last night on RBTV.  It’s a 17 minute compilation from the film that basically covers “Just the Tricks”.

It’s a great watch and while it’s not every bit of riding in the film, 17 minutes of highlights shows how much filler there was in the movie.