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board recommendations?

intermediate skier making the transition to boarding…

I’m looking for an all mountain board but I want true twin tips as I’m ambidextrous and will be constantly switching from normal to goofy. Prefer a flat board with medium flex. Looking for bang for buck as I also ski and not the type of person to wax it after every ride. Will be riding in Australian conditions.

What do you guys think?


Welcome to Boardworld (and the dark side ?), @mrsnow!

Two boards that we have in stock came to mind immediately based on what you’ve said.

The first is the YES. Public. True twin. Flat profile between the feet, rocker in the nose and tail for ease of ride, manoeuvrability, and forgiveness. Extruded base which is very easy to maintain (you don’t need to wax as often). It’s a super fun board to ride and comes in at a lower price point. Last season’s model is currently on sale. Comes with a lifetime warranty.
(also available in 151)

The other is the Rome Gang Plank. Also, features a flat profile with rockered nose and tail, but has some performance upgrades on the YES, including a sintered base and stiffer flex. This will handle all-mountain a bit better. Again, a really fun board. True twin. Easy to ride and versatile.
(also available in 152, 149)

Are you completely sold on a flat profile or are you open to other options? What is it about a flat profile that appeals to you? Nothing against a flat profile, but I’ll be able to help you better if I understand your needs/intentions. Generally, I wouldn’t associate a flat profile with all-mountain; it can work for sure, but there are other profiles better suited to true all-mountain, in my opinion.

How much do you weigh? What size boots do you wear?


Doesn’t have to be flat, was just looking at something in between a rocker/camber, and the other hybrid types just look more complicated than they need to be…

I’m 68 kg or just under 150 lbs and wear boots size US 8.5 or 9


It’s true that there are a lot of different hybrids on the market and it can get confusing; not all of them ride the same and they can certainly be more complicated than they need to be. However, there’s also a lot of amazing hybrids on the market that work incredibly well.

A board worth considering is the Rome Agent Rocker. This board is a hybrid but the profile is flat overall (in a way), in that between the bindings and the tip and tail all touch the snow when unweighted. I tested this board at SIA and I was blown away by this profile. It rides very similarly to a cambered board; predictable, carves great, lots of energy and pop, but super playful as well. It was one of the 3 best boards I tested at SIA. This board is versatile and you will have no problem riding it all over the mountain. I would put you on the 153 for Australia: (on sale, really good value at that price).

I’m also a huge fan of YES’s CamRock profile which can be seen throughout their range. This is the most high-performance and versatile hybrids on the market, in my opinion. Again, it rides most similarly to full camber, but you get the benefits of rockered tip and tail. Lifetime warranty on the full range. The best value bang-for-buck boards would be the YES Basic and YES Typo. The Basic is a true twin while the Typo is a directional twin.

Have a think about it and feel free to reply with any questions. We’re here to help. ?