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Photos of the Season


Here are some of the best member photos from the 2010 SoHe snow season…

Darren Teasdale

Darren Teasdale

Darren Teasdale

Darren Teasdale

Darren Teasdale

Darren Teasdale

Darren Teasdale

Darren Teasdale

Darren Teasdale

Darren Teasdale

Darren Teasdale










I liked this one (that wasn’t selected):


Snowpics pic in the pipe with the guys hand blocking the sun and the fisheye shot showing the whole jump at perisher are SICKKKKK

but i have to say that one by F@tony of the guy flipping is right up there to!

all those shots are sick though!


I want f@tony to talk us through the goggle sequence shot. It’s so good. How’d you do that?


Yes please, what spaz asked, I cannot get my head around how tricky that shiz is. Super impressed F@tony


Good work Darren mate!!! Can’t wait to enter next year! smile


Awesome photos everyone!!! Congrats.


Mad pics dude

spaz - 27 October 2010 07:11 AM

I want f@tony to talk us through the goggle sequence shot. It’s so good. How’d you do that?

Got my friend oscar, who had just learnt the wildcat, to go inverted.  I then recruited his friend to be in the shot, gave him my goggles to wear.  Lined him up on side of the jump while a few people went over to make sure that both the takeoff and mid air was in the shot.  Waited for Oscar to go over and just squeezed the trigger.  Then put the frames together in Photoshop.

I know it sounds a bit vague but there is nothing really to that shot.  Just the same as any other sequence.  I liked Brandy’s photo and just thought about how I can try and outdo her. smile

Things to do for next time:
Find a bigger jump.  That way the take off, the goggles and the landing will all be in a straight line and so you won’t see the photographer in the goggles and the jump will trace right down the center of the goggles and the person will be more head on.

* added ridiculously awesome paint drawing.


thanks Tony,

That’s how I hoped it was done, but thought you may have completely created it in PS.
Love how Oscar seems to emerge from the sequence in the goggles for the final frame.

BTW big laugh of blue print plan - ridiculously awesome paint drawing.