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OK, so I just called them for you to find out.
They don’t have a confirmed date yet, and probably won’t until the end of summer.
However, they did confirm that it will almost certainly be right at the end of October or start of November. As I said earlier, I would count on last weekend in October or first weekend in November.
They also said if you arrive in mid October that should be safe for sure.
So I would go on my advice in the post above. Be flexible and book your date based on the best flight deal. Just keep in mind you want to leave yourself a bit of time before the job fair to get some things sorted. Also, make sure you are prepared with printed resumes etc.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
thanks so much for actually contacting them for me, I really appreciate it! I will definitely start watching flights from now onwards, and just book when I find a great deal. Would you say anything between $1,100 -$1,500 is the best range to aim in for a one way ticket? And in terms of them saying it’s usually the end of oct/beg of nov would you aim for a fly in date of around the 24th oct? or would you try get there the weekend before that in case the job fair isn’t on the very last weekend? I’m just trying to get an idea for what’s best as I don’t want to waste money chilling in Vancouver when the job fair is ages away but I don’t wanna turn up on the day y’know?
@readyforsomesnow, no worries! That’s what we’re here for. ?
That actually seems pretty expensive for a one-way. My wife is saying we’d usually expect to pay about $800 for a one-way, $1400 for a return. That said, it really just depends what’s available at the time. Keep your eye on it.
Yeah, I’d probably get in for the weekend before just to be safe. You can use the time to get sorted for bank accounts, SIN, etc. as I mentioned earlier.
@rider26 okay sweet I’ll aim for around the 20th oct then just to be safe. okay wow I definitely haven’t been finding the best flights yet then, which companies would you guys recommend that tend to be a bit cheaper? I’ll have a look on that kayak site for sure. Also, in terms of travel insurance, is that something that can just be booked closer to the date, like accom?
Btw after all this info I owe you a drink once I’m in whistler!
Alright so I finally accepted the letter to apply and am filling in the visa form(haven’t had time until now).
So I was like okay cool i’ll just fly through this and upload what I can and then finish it on my next day off of work.. however, I’ve come across an issue. @rider26 or anyone else who can advise, please help!
I got to the section where it wants me to enter my passport info, and to set it as my primary passport. However, when I previously applied to get into the pool I entered my passport info. SO now in this section I can’t validate it without entering my passport info BUT because it already has my passport saved(but not saved as primary) it will not let me validate if I enter my passport either, it says:
ID documents must not match a previously entered record
I’ve messaged cic under the technical difficulties thing as for the life of me I cannot find a contact phone number or anything to give them a call. Can anyone advise what the problem might be or how to fix it? Or even how to contact cic?
On the eservice page at the top it mentions:
Note: The status of some of the forms is “In progress,” because you have already answered some of the questions in these forms.
The answers to these questions will be coloured gray. This means that you cannot change the answers.
If you need to change one of your answers, you must delete this profile and create a new one.
But I’m worried that deleting the profile would stuff everything up. But now it’s just sitting with one of the sections stuck on ‘in progress’ because of the stupid passport thing.
Heeellp me
@readyforsomesnow, I just did a quick search on Kayak and it looks like the cheapest currently around those dates is $1029 (CAD) with Philippine Air. Make sure you search with flexible dates so it searches all dates around the date you’re looking at. You can also set up price alerts to your email. It’s a good idea to do that to really keep track of the cheap flights.
I’m not sure, but I think you might have to book a return flight for the visa. They might ask to see a return ticket. You’ll get better value this way anyway. What we have previously done is book the return for as far in the future as possible, then just change the date closer to the time.
Unfortunately, I have no idea about the technical CIC website stuff (I know their process sucks!). You could try to contact the Canada Immigration Office in Australia. They are usually helpful.
Or call the Consulate General of Canada in Sydney. Phone: (02) 9364 3000 as a starting point.
It does sound like you need to start a new profile, though. I’m not sure what the implications of this are.
@TJswish, do you have any idea about this CIC profile stuff?
@rider26 okay cool I’ll set up a price notification thing on kayak! How do you go about two way tickets though? As I’m not sure how long I’ll end up staying in Canada and do want to travel the US a little afterwards. Are ticket dates easily changeable? I’m just worried I’ll have to pay big fees to change dates. I heard a lady just got a train ticket to Seattle so that they could see an exit ticket out of Canada and that was sufficient? Are the plane tickets significantly cheaper to buy two way rather than one way?
Thanks for your help in terms of cic Info, I was panicking a little there, made me realize how keen for Canada I actually am
I gave them a call but couldn’t get through to anyone so I ended up sending the same email to about five people haha. Anyway I’m away from home on holidays and decided to check my account after recieving a few emails back from cic/Sydney people(emails weren’t super helpful I might add). Anyway I checked my acc on my phone and miraculously the passport thing is fine now. Didn’t even have to do anything. So I’m not sure if they went into my account and fixed it, or if before the issue was on my laptop and now I’m on my phone that changed it? Who knows but I’m a happy girl. When I’m home next week I’ll be able to upload all of my documents. Do you know if it’s necessary to attach a letter of explanation or is that only for certain people? And lastly one last question just to be a pain, on the cic website it said for qld and Vic that a necessary part was to get a traffic history report. So I got it done, paid my fee and have it at home. But in the upload documents section I can’t see a spot for it to be uploaded? Unless I attach it in the same category as police check?
hey mate,
I’m a travel agent and can tell you booking a return is always going to be cheaper at the start but if you buy cheap fare and want to change the return date, more often than not you will have to pay a massive difference.
Changing the date usually consist of airline fee (can be anything from $80 plus) then you have to pay the fare and tax difference.
This means if you pay $1000 for your return ticket, lets say for this example it works out to be $500 dollars each way but then you push the the date back. If the return section works out to be $700, you will need to pay the change fee ($80 or more) plus the fare and tax difference which in this example $200.
one ways is better for this instance as it gives you the most flexibility. Plans change, you meet people, you want to do a summer or you want to go see a new country with your new friends. Find whatever is most flexible
if you are going to buy a return, look for a ticket that has the most flexibility. the price will be a little bit more but at least you know what you are paying for upfront.
Let me know if this doesn’t make sense. I’m not going to try sell you a ticket, I just want to help out fellow aussies heading abroad.
That’s good advice right there! Thanks, @danho!
if you are going to buy a return, look for a ticket that has the most flexibility.
That’s the key if you’re buying a return. Each airline will have different policies. We’ve done it before where we purchased the return and changed the date. But we made sure we received confirmation that the change would be free of charge or a price we were happy with. I think last time we did this we got the free change and had to pay the difference (but again if you’re flexible with the return date you can usually find a good deal).
I tend to agree with Dan here. It will be easier, safer, and cheaper (in the short term giving you cash flow), if you just get a one-way ticket. Who knows what your adventures ahead will bring.
My only concern, and I think this is worth checking, is whether you might need to show a plane ticket leaving Canada at some point to get your work visa. I can’t remember if this is a current rule or not but it’s worth checking. Some border officers will be more lenient than others, some might check, some might not. Just know the rules as it’s set out on your visa and make sure you’re covered.
@readyforsomesnow, maybe get in touch with Danho and see what flights he can find you. It always helps knowing / going through a travel agent.
It’s odd that they stipulate that you need to have a return ticket. I never got asked when I entered Canada in Vancouver. He actually didn’t check anything.
Airline tickets are only available for sale about 8-10 months out from date of travel and they no one does open ended tickets these days as they cause even more hassle yet we get given a 2 year visa to work and play in Canada.
Seems as though it hasn’t really been thought through. They should lean more towards a bond system that makes us have enough funds to buy a return at any given time.
Yeah nobody here got asked but I’ve heard of 1 case where they’ll give your work visa only for the duration of your travel insurance. This didn’t happen for me though thankfully.
Most of the immigration officers in Vancouver probably do it so often that they just stamp it and you go (like my entry)
A hostel room in Seattle also counts as leaving the country so that might be an option too
Yeah that’s the same with me, They just asked for Passport and my CIC letter.
I had everything prepared, bank statements, insurance (though i only bought 6 months cause I had planned to get BC health) etc.
I think if you enter via the border aka drive from the US then they are more likely to question and look at documents at least this is what all my friends who came via that method have said.
On another side note, I also only bought a one way ticket and was not questioned about it but thats why i had the bank statement to show i had sufficient funds to buy a ticket back at any time.
Hi all
Loving this forum and this thread! I’m from the UK and also planning on heading over to Whistler (probably mid-October)for the upcoming winter season, so hopefully see lots you of guys out there to say thanks for all the info and I’m sure the future advice to come!
With regard to the one way ticket issues that you’ve mentioned, you do not have to have a return flight booked on your arrival in order to get the VISA stamped, but you may need to show that you have sufficient funds above the $2,500 CAD to be able to purchase a ticket home in the future. This was from the CIC. Hopefully this is helpful.
Thanks for clearing that up, @TD1991. Welcome to Boardworld, Tom!
@danho thanks for the info! I’m honestly so confused when it comes to flights, on one hand I hear it’s best to book them in asap but then I hear it’s fine to leave it until closer/last minute deals. Can you maybe clarify when is the best time to book flights est if I’m wanting to go in October? I am thinking of getting a one-way as I don’t know how long i’ll be in Canada/I want to travel in the US afterwards so I wouldn’t know where to book the returning ticket from..
So unless the price difference is significantly large I think one way might be the way for me to go! Do you work in brissie? If you do I could always come book my flights through ya when it’s time
@rider26 @TJswish @furorsekka @TD1991
thanks for all the information and confirmation of everything! you guys make planning this trip so much easier I finally had the time to finish my application, officially uploaded and paid for! Now to wait for my visa
and I did see like some of you said, the CIC said if you don’t have a return ticket you need to provide proof of funds to purchase one if need be. So all good to buy a one way