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Whistler 2016/17

Hi to everyone reading this! I’ve been reading these boards a little bit and decided to make an account. So first off I’ll introduce myself, my name is Lauren and I’m an aussie girl wanting to make the trip to Canada and work in Whistler.

So I know this post is probably a bit early but what can I say..I’m super keen LOL

I’m wanting to come to Whistler later in the year and thought I’d just ask a few questions.

I’ve read heaps of information and threads about going to whistler and what you need to do beforehand/once you arrive.

I was just wondering, are there always job fairs in October? I’m trying to figure out when these are as everything else kind of revolves around this. If the job fairs are mid-late oct, would that mean that I would need to start the process of my visa and police check around June?

As far as I’ve gathered from these boards, before traveling I’ll need:
-bank statement of $4,000 in savings
-police check
-flights booked
-travel insurance

And once arrived:
-sin number
-bank account
-phone set up

And then there’s the obvious..job and accom. I know that some people manage to secure jobs at places eg starbucks, four seasons etc. before arrival, is it better to try to do this or the job fair?

Also what is the process of applying for the job fair? If it’s in oct, do I apply online before my arrival for the fair? And with accom, I’ve read that airbnb is pretty good, however if you get offered a job you then have the choice of staff accom, what are all your thoughts on accom?

Sorry for such a flood of questions, I guess even though I’ve read so much I’d just like my questions to be a bit more confirmed. I’ve heard that the working holiday clubs are a bit of a waste of money and am trying to do this all myself, but it’s a big thing to organize!

Thanks so much to anyone who has managed to get all the way through this, and for anyone who can help me out with my q’s. Look forward to seeing you all later this year smile


nobody? come on guys it’s lonely on this post.. raspberry


I’ve finally signed up after lurking the forums for a while, I’m also hoping to head to whistler for the season?
It hasn’t been easy to find information on the net, BW has the most info out!
Have a look at the whistler 15/16 thread, I’m assuming most of the dates will be very similar…
I’m already keen and it’s only Feb, lucky I’ve got a trip to Europe and Bali to kill 5 months with!


Give it a few more weeks, they are all out snowboarding ollie


Welcome to Boardworld, @readyforsomesnow! shaka

I actually just saw this thread. Sorry I didn’t get to it sooner. I just got back from a couple of weeks in the USA. I would say Azz is about right, as we had a 60cm powder day here on Saturday. LOL

Definitely check out the Mountains & Travel area of the forums (that’s where I’ll move this thread). There’s a lot of info in there, and you should also check out the 2015/16 Whistler thread.

I’ll reply to this thread again soon with more of the information you’re looking for. I can help you out for sure.?


Well I thought I’d start the visa application by joining the iec pool on feb 6… Feb 8 I received the ‘invitation to apply’ letter. I’d suggest starting the afp check before you join the iec pool or at the same time.
I thought the process might be a bit more drawn out

TH850 - 08 February 2016 05:37 PM

I’ve finally signed up after lurking the forums for a while, I’m also hoping to head to whistler for the season?
It hasn’t been easy to find information on the net, BW has the most info out!
Have a look at the whistler 15/16 thread, I’m assuming most of the dates will be very similar…
I’m already keen and it’s only Feb, lucky I’ve got a trip to Europe and Bali to kill 5 months with!

Welcome to Boardworld, @TH850! I hope to see you in Whistler next season! ?


OK, @readyforsomesnow, let’s get into it…

You’re correct about all those things you need. Well done on getting prepared early.

My recommendation is if you can get to Whistler for the WB Job Fair — do it! Your chance of landing a job with the mountain is good. This is the cheapest way to do it, and you’ll also have more job variety available to you.

You can register for the Job Fair when it is posted on the WB website, usually about a month ahead of time. Dates are pretty similar each year. Plan for late October. There is also a Job Fair in September, but this one might not be feasible.

Make sure you have a roof over your head for at least a couple of weeks after you arrive (or at least until a few days after the Job Fair). There are hostels and Airbnb as you mentioned. Just make sure you have somewhere to stay until you get yourself sorted.

If you get a job with WB, you should be offered some form of staff accommodation. It’s good value and a safe way to get your foot into the Whistler “door,” and you’ll meet a lot of new staff/friends that way. Staff housing gives priority to first-time employees.

Feel free to ask any further questions. We are here to help. There’s quite a lot of us living in Whistler. It’s a great community and a great place to live and enjoy life! We hope to see you over here! ?

It’s also worth ready through this recent thread:

* I’m going to move this thread to “Mountains and Travel”


Thanks @rider26

Is it worth getting to Canada for the September job fair or hold out for the late October one?

If I was to show up in September, what are my chances of finding another job til the season starts?

If I was to score a job with WB, how long after the job fair do they wait before letting you move into staff accom?

Realistically can you survive on a WB paycheque.. Or will I need to add in say $100 a week from savings to make ends meet?

I have plenty more questions running through my head….


No worries, @TH850.

Most people hold out until the October job fair—that’s the big one. Whistler is an awesome place to hang out if you have the funds, but it’s pretty quiet job-wise until the snow season starts. Yes, you can get work, but the risk is on you. Can you afford it, and do you want to risk it? Answer yes to either and we’ll see you in September haha.

I believe you should be able to move into staff fairly quickly, but it depends on availability and there could be a wait list. They definitely do their best to look after first-time employees. Feel free to email them: (good info on this page).

Yes, you can survive. It depends on how many hours you work and also how you live / spend your money. There are a lot of ways to spend money in Whistler. Avoid the traps and eat smart (cook at home). That said, it certainly doesn’t hurt having backup funds. Spend your energy on the mountains and try not to blow your cash in the clubs. Easier said than done. LOL

rider26 - 12 February 2016 01:47 PM

Spend your energy on the mountains and try not to blow your cash in the clubs. Easier said than done. LOL

But if you can figure out how to do it, rather than being a one season flash-in-the-pan who goes home to become a boring grown up, you can end up making a life for yourself in the mountains - if you so desire! Well worth it grin

TH850 - 08 February 2016 05:37 PM

I’ve finally signed up after lurking the forums for a while, I’m also hoping to head to whistler for the season?
It hasn’t been easy to find information on the net, BW has the most info out!
Have a look at the whistler 15/16 thread, I’m assuming most of the dates will be very similar…
I’m already keen and it’s only Feb, lucky I’ve got a trip to Europe and Bali to kill 5 months with!

Glad to see another newbie on here LOL and yes I’ve already looked through the 15/16 post but thanks. So jealous of your Europe and Bali trip! I’m just working my butt off until Canada. Although I do wanna head to America either straight before or right after Canada. And maybe the Yukon. Hope too see ya around whistler smile

rider26 - 12 February 2016 11:08 AM

OK, @readyforsomesnow, let’s get into it…

You’re correct about all those things you need. Well done on getting prepared early.

My recommendation is if you can get to Whistler for the WB Job Fair — do it! Your chance of landing a job with the mountain is good. This is the cheapest way to do it, and you’ll also have more job variety available to you.

You can register for the Job Fair when it is posted on the WB website, usually about a month ahead of time. Dates are pretty similar each year. Plan for late October. There is also a Job Fair in September, but this one might not be feasible.

Make sure you have a roof over your head for at least a couple of weeks after you arrive (or at least until a few days after the Job Fair). There are hostels and Airbnb as you mentioned. Just make sure you have somewhere to stay until you get yourself sorted.

If you get a job with WB, you should be offered some form of staff accommodation. It’s good value and a safe way to get your foot into the Whistler “door,” and you’ll meet a lot of new staff/friends that way. Staff housing gives priority to first-time employees.

Feel free to ask any further questions. We are here to help. There’s quite a lot of us living in Whistler. It’s a great community and a great place to live and enjoy life! We hope to see you over here! ?

It’s also worth ready through this recent thread:

* I’m going to move this thread to “Mountains and Travel”

Thanks for all the info and help so far!! smile when is a good time to do my visa and police check?
I feel like I have all the basic information but wanna hit the knitty gritty.
So id apply for the job fair in September, arrive in late October, set up bank sin and phone. Then once the job fair is over, how long before you can move into staff accom/when would the jobs start? Would I need to just be living elsewhere for one or two weeks?


when is a good time to do my visa and police check?

ASAP — especially the visa.

Then once the job fair is over, how long before you can move into staff accom/when would the jobs start?

I would estimate you could move in quickly, possibly immediately providing they have availability — which they should have at that time of year, especially for first-time staff. More info:

Would I need to just be living elsewhere for one or two weeks?

I think it would be smart to make sure you’re covered for at least a few days after the job fair. This is just to cover yourself in case there is a delay moving into staff accommodation, or if your plan doesn’t work out exactly as you thought. At the very least, I’d make sure that wherever you are staying will allow you to extend your stay on short notice if needed.

rider26 - 17 February 2016 07:00 AM

when is a good time to do my visa and police check?

ASAP — especially the visa.

Then once the job fair is over, how long before you can move into staff accom/when would the jobs start?

I would estimate you could move in quickly, possibly immediately providing they have availability — which they should have at that time of year, especially for first-time staff. More info:

Would I need to just be living elsewhere for one or two weeks?

I think it would be smart to make sure you’re covered for at least a few days after the job fair. This is just to cover yourself in case there is a delay moving into staff accommodation, or if your plan doesn’t work out exactly as you thought. At the very least, I’d make sure that wherever you are staying will allow you to extend your stay on short notice if needed.

Thanks so much for all your help so far!!
(I may have a few small questions left lol!)
Would it be wise to start my police check now and once I get that back then apply for my visa?

Also in terms of working, I know that you apply for the job fair a month before it actually starts. Is it correct that you can only apply for one job through the fair? I ask because I haven’t had much hospitality experience. I’ve primarily worked within offices and retail/beauty. But I’ve heard hospitality is better for tips etc(but obviously if I haven’t worked in a bar before I can’t expect to start in whistler). What jobs would you recommend applying for?

I’m trying to do it all by myself, do you think it’s doable or is it worth going through somewhere like the Whc?


Might as well start the visa process now. You have a year to get into Canada before you need to apply again so now or in July makes no difference if you’re heading over for the 16/17 season.
Have you logged onto and started the application process?
Log on, make your account and fill in all your details to get the ball rolling.
Then jump onto the afp page, fill in your details and pay the $42. Now if you’ve been a good girl and have no convictions you’ll get an email within a couple of days saying it’s been processed and is being mailed out. Took less than a week for me to have the certificate in my hand.

It only took 2 days for the Canadian government to send the invitation to apply letter. Now you have 10 days to accept the invitation, and after you have accepted the invitation, you have 20 days to get all the paperwork submitted, and have paid the $250cad.

Fill in the rest of the questions you’re asked, then:
-You need to print off a ‘family questions’ page, fill that in and upload it
-Upload a resume,
-Upload 4 months of bank statements or a tax return etc.
-upload your afp check
-Upload a copy of your passport photo page
-Upload a passport image of yourself.

There’s a little question mark next to all of them that tells you exactly what to send.

Good Luck!