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Canada Mega Thread

BerraBro - 12 October 2015 01:08 PM

Hey guys,

So I stumbled onto this thread and I’d just like to thank you all for the most informative place on the net.
I just wished I found it 6 months ago because unfortunately my naivety got the better of me and I’ve done it all through IEP. We live and we learn.

I’m heading off to Marmot Basin up in Jasper to start on November 2nd with a mate. (Both got jobs as liftys yewww!!!) It’s our first season working at a resort let alone first time out of Australia so we’re very excited but not sure what to expect of course.

I was just wondering if anyone had been or worked at marmot to get a bit of an idea of what to expect and hopefully pick up a few contacts if we get the chance to check out some other resorts and meet up with a couple of you.

Thanks again for this awesome thread and hope to meet some killer personalities


Dude I did last season at Marmot Basin through IEP as well and had a blast. Mountain is small but its pretty awesome. You get to know everyone from groomers to maintenance crew. Working is pretty chill most days. I wish I was going back for another season.
During the week expect to have the whole mountain to yourself. Weekends is a bit busier but by busy its a 2 minute wait for lifts.
Staff accomm is dated and its 2 to a bachelor suite and pretty much everyone who wants a place gets it. Lots of my mates are going back for a second season in lift ops so expect all the new guys to work the shit lifts. You’ll love it there, real tight knit community and being a lifty on the mountain is prob best for hours.
You’ll have a blast and you get so ski for free at Sunshine for as many days as you want. If you have any other questions dude hit me up.


Not sure if anybody has already posted this but the TRS claim can now be “mostly” done online.  I just went overseas and claimed my iPhone 6S.  You fill out the online form, they email you a QR code. You get to the airport and go through the online queue which is about 1/10th the length of the regular one (at MelAir anyway), they scan the code and then process against a credit card that you give them.  Still takes 1-2 weeks for payment to process:

TRS online claim

Note: you still need the original tax invoice and have to show the goods. If it’s an electronic tax invoice (i.e. emailed from the Apple store etc) they “prefer” you to have printed it out.  I didn’t, just showed them the tax invoice on my phone and they grumbled a bit but still processed it for me.


Really good to know. Thanks, Hughman666.

danho - 17 October 2015 10:45 PM
BerraBro - 12 October 2015 01:08 PM

Hey guys,

So I stumbled onto this thread and I’d just like to thank you all for the most informative place on the net.
I just wished I found it 6 months ago because unfortunately my naivety got the better of me and I’ve done it all through IEP. We live and we learn.

I’m heading off to Marmot Basin up in Jasper to start on November 2nd with a mate. (Both got jobs as liftys yewww!!!) It’s our first season working at a resort let alone first time out of Australia so we’re very excited but not sure what to expect of course.

I was just wondering if anyone had been or worked at marmot to get a bit of an idea of what to expect and hopefully pick up a few contacts if we get the chance to check out some other resorts and meet up with a couple of you.

Thanks again for this awesome thread and hope to meet some killer personalities



Dude I did last season at Marmot Basin through IEP as well and had a blast. Mountain is small but its pretty awesome. You get to know everyone from groomers to maintenance crew. Working is pretty chill most days. I wish I was going back for another season.
During the week expect to have the whole mountain to yourself. Weekends is a bit busier but by busy its a 2 minute wait for lifts.
Staff accomm is dated and its 2 to a bachelor suite and pretty much everyone who wants a place gets it. Lots of my mates are going back for a second season in lift ops so expect all the new guys to work the shit lifts. You’ll love it there, real tight knit community and being a lifty on the mountain is prob best for hours.
You’ll have a blast and you get so ski for free at Sunshine for as many days as you want. If you have any other questions dude hit me up.

It’s so good to hear from someone thats worked there. I love the positivity!!!
One question that i have is what’s the age demographic like? is it mostly young internationals or is there quite a strong local vibe? I’ll find out for myself soon enough but you can never get too many opinions. If you know anyone returning let them know to hit me up on here or facebook or whatever.

Really appreciate all the responses, particularly TJ, it’s great that it’s so overwhelmingly positive! I’ll be sure to have a drink with as many of you as possible!

Hughman666 - 18 October 2015 12:22 PM

Not sure if anybody has already posted this but the TRS claim can now be “mostly” done online.  I just went overseas and claimed my iPhone 6S.  You fill out the online form, they email you a QR code. You get to the airport and go through the online queue which is about 1/10th the length of the regular one (at MelAir anyway), they scan the code and then process against a credit card that you give them.  Still takes 1-2 weeks for payment to process:

TRS online claim

Note: you still need the original tax invoice and have to show the goods. If it’s an electronic tax invoice (i.e. emailed from the Apple store etc) they “prefer” you to have printed it out.  I didn’t, just showed them the tax invoice on my phone and they grumbled a bit but still processed it for me.

There’s also an APP!!!!!


Everything’s an app these days, I always end up with all these once-off apps on my phone!

Hughman666 - 19 October 2015 07:23 PM

Everything’s an app these days, I always end up with all these once-off apps on my phone!

LOL Yep, count me in that group too!!!!!

BerraBro - 19 October 2015 11:47 AM

It’s so good to hear from someone thats worked there. I love the positivity!!!
One question that i have is what’s the age demographic like? is it mostly young internationals or is there quite a strong local vibe? I’ll find out for myself soon enough but you can never get too many opinions. If you know anyone returning let them know to hit me up on here or facebook or whatever.

Really appreciate all the responses, particularly TJ, it’s great that it’s so overwhelmingly positive! I’ll be sure to have a drink with as many of you as possible!

It’s a ski resort. Average age will be 20-23 with a decent amount of younger and older people.

There won’t be more than a handful of people over 30 other than locals or people with permanent visas / Canadians.

Most people just get along with everyone so don’t be overly concerned about not having friends or anything. Just get there and say hi, how’s it going to everyone and soon enough you’ll have a great group of people around you!


It’s a ski resort. Average age will be 20-23 with a decent amount of younger and older people.

There won’t be more than a handful of people over 30 other than locals or people with permanent visas / Canadians.

Most people just get along with everyone so don’t be overly concerned about not having friends or anything. Just get there and say hi, how’s it going to everyone and soon enough you’ll have a great group of people around you!

So pretty much just be a half decent human and it’ll be a sweet time haha.




BerraBro - 19 October 2015 11:47 AM
danho - 17 October 2015 10:45 PM
BerraBro - 12 October 2015 01:08 PM

Hey guys,

So I stumbled onto this thread and I’d just like to thank you all for the most informative place on the net.
I just wished I found it 6 months ago because unfortunately my naivety got the better of me and I’ve done it all through IEP. We live and we learn.

I’m heading off to Marmot Basin up in Jasper to start on November 2nd with a mate. (Both got jobs as liftys yewww!!!) It’s our first season working at a resort let alone first time out of Australia so we’re very excited but not sure what to expect of course.

I was just wondering if anyone had been or worked at marmot to get a bit of an idea of what to expect and hopefully pick up a few contacts if we get the chance to check out some other resorts and meet up with a couple of you.

Thanks again for this awesome thread and hope to meet some killer personalities



Dude I did last season at Marmot Basin through IEP as well and had a blast. Mountain is small but its pretty awesome. You get to know everyone from groomers to maintenance crew. Working is pretty chill most days. I wish I was going back for another season.
During the week expect to have the whole mountain to yourself. Weekends is a bit busier but by busy its a 2 minute wait for lifts.
Staff accomm is dated and its 2 to a bachelor suite and pretty much everyone who wants a place gets it. Lots of my mates are going back for a second season in lift ops so expect all the new guys to work the shit lifts. You’ll love it there, real tight knit community and being a lifty on the mountain is prob best for hours.
You’ll have a blast and you get so ski for free at Sunshine for as many days as you want. If you have any other questions dude hit me up.

It’s so good to hear from someone thats worked there. I love the positivity!!!
One question that i have is what’s the age demographic like? is it mostly young internationals or is there quite a strong local vibe? I’ll find out for myself soon enough but you can never get too many opinions. If you know anyone returning let them know to hit me up on here or facebook or whatever.

Really appreciate all the responses, particularly TJ, it’s great that it’s so overwhelmingly positive! I’ll be sure to have a drink with as many of you as possible!

Hey man,

Locals take a bit to crack at the start but they come round and are awesome.
A lot of the mountain staff are returners and are awesome. Patrol and Instructors were older but everyone else seems to be that 20-30 demographic. It such small hill that you will get to know everyone pretty well. There are heaps of people from Ontario out in Jasper but majority is Aussie/Kiwi but it is not over-run. I recommend sticking around for summer as well as the place completely transforms.


Hey guys,

I was just browsing and noticed that this thread lists Canadian visa application procedures for 2015. I’m not sure if anybody here is looking to go to Canada in 2016 via International Experience Canada on a working holiday visa, but if they are, I just wanted to share that the application process has changed from last year. I found this pretty detailed working holiday visa 2016 application guide that I’m hoping can help someone out:

As well, for anybody that has already applied and is waiting for their invitation to apply (ITA) for a work permit there is also a master table from the same blog that lists how many invites have been sent out for each country and visa category so far:

Hope this helps someone out! smile


Thanks Lauren,

I’ll copy it to the front page in case anyone is reading here smile


Hey crew,

Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I’m planning on doing a season at Sunshine Village, Banff in 2016/17, I’m currently in the middle of organising my visa and was looking for a bit of advice.
Firstly, I’m having issues getting some of the employment documents ready as most of my work has been cash (labouring). Is it best to just leave these off my resume and visa application entirely? Anyone else have experience with this?
Secondly, when I checked my eligibility, it didn’t say that I need a police check but I’ve read elsewhere that I might?

Thanks in advance!

Steezus - 08 March 2016 10:43 AM

Hey crew,

Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I’m planning on doing a season at Sunshine Village, Banff in 2016/17, I’m currently in the middle of organising my visa and was looking for a bit of advice.
Firstly, I’m having issues getting some of the employment documents ready as most of my work has been cash (labouring). Is it best to just leave these off my resume and visa application entirely? Anyone else have experience with this?
Secondly, when I checked my eligibility, it didn’t say that I need a police check but I’ve read elsewhere that I might?

Thanks in advance!

Hey @Steezus,

That’s an interesting one. I think it’s important to keep your application legit, but you need to use your own judgement here. I highly doubt they will look into it in a way that would expose that you were paid cash, and I think it’s important to show you’ve been working (I would guess). Use your best judgement here.

You usually need to provide a police check at some stage during the application—I know I did. I’m not sure why it said you didn’t need one. I am guessing you probably will at some point during the application (maybe after stage 1 has been submitted). That said, I probably wouldn’t do it unless it told me I needed to.

Good luck with the application and let me know if you have further questions.