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Merry Xmas


Merry Xmas everyone! I cheated and got my pressie a couple of days early, very stoked with it though!

Shot this with it the second day i had it and the first day the weather wasnt so bad i was reduced to fiddling with it inside!


I saw you got a drone on Facebook… awesome video! Looking forward to seeing more! shaka

Merry Christmas, everyone!

NBG - 25 December 2015 10:38 AM

Merry Xmas everyone! I cheated and got my pressie a couple of days early, very stoked with it though!

Shot this with it the second day i had it and the first day the weather wasnt so bad i was reduced to fiddling with it inside!

That’s Cool!!  cool grin

Happy Xmas Boardworldians!!


Merry Christmas Boardworld crew shaka


Apparently Azz & I mistook the purpose of this thread. So lets hijack it!

Merry Christmas BW homies!
It’s been great hanging out with lots of u in Whistler and hope to catch lots of u in Aus next season!


Also (to be on topic) damn beautiful video Northern!!

It makes me want to get one but my bank can’t take any more expensive hobbies.


Yeah that vid is killer northern!!! i was secretly hoping santa was going to bring me one after dropping some hints, it wasnt the case and i got some other killer gifts that im super stoked on instead, so now its up to how i can acquire one and explain its sudden presence in our house

Oh and merry Xmas boardworldians, 2 days late but its still heart felt


Merry Christmas erryybody, hope you all had a ripper day/night.

I won’t be up the mountain for the next few weeks due to a grade 1-2 tear in my MCL, but definitely have to catch up with everyone soon


Ah Dyldo,  so i suppose to help yourself heal you wont be going out drinking on NYE right DCD?

NBG - 28 December 2015 07:54 PM

Ah Dyldo,  so i suppose to help yourself heal you wont be going out drinking on NYE right DCD?

NYE can EAD, gunna be way too many tourists about, i’ll either go to a house party or go to bed.
But yea, to help my healing I definitely did not go on a three day bender starting the night of the injury…

When do we get to see this test of your drone? (skip to about 4:20 for the good bit)