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Found a USA foods store in Moorabbin yesterday. They have some interesting stuff, particularly rubs and mop sauces. Looking forward to the weekend already….
Making a fresh batch of Cheynewurst.
So thought id also try my hand at some sauerkraut
Now all i need is a home brew setup.
Thought this thread as the other sort of smokers.
Smells so good.
Kraut is looking good too.
What time does Decemberfest start?????
Right now.
Simmered the kraut in beer and bacon.
Smoking up some chillies, going to make a chipotle sauce. And also make some powdered chipotle… kinda wishing i picked up some meat now i have it going…
3hrs in the smoke, finishing off in the dehydrator to get em really dry before grinding.
I went to the Yaks BBQ Festival here in Melbourne on Saturday morning. While I was there I caught a demo/talk on a new BBQ to the Australian market called the Pit Barrel Cooker (PBC). After watching the demo and then tasting a rack of lamb cooked on the PBC at their stand, I had to have one.
Sunday morning I picked up my PBC and christened it with a few racks of ribs. Both lamb and pork.
The PBC.
Taking the lid off to have a peak. I couldn’t resist.
The lamb was to die for. Some of the best lamb ribs I’ve ever tried. Worth the price of admission alone.
I possibly left the pork in a fraction long, but they were still fantastic. The flavour was amazing. I’d say 30 minutes less and these would have been bang on.
Can’t wait to give it another go this weekend.
Looks boss man, im planing on doing a smoke maybe tomorrow.
Going to try something new, was eating some pistachios amd it hit me… why not use the shells for a smoke?!
I love the Pit Barrel, I think I could make one of those…......
100% @Azz! I when I saw it, making one was my first thought. There are plenty of how-to’s online like this that take you through it. Not that you’d necessarily need instructions, but there are a number of different designs.
In the end I got mine so cheap it wasn’t even worth making one.
@Tills what did it cost? I saw that they were sub $300 US, wondering what they were here. Under $300 not worth doing yourself.
@Azz When I say I got it cheap, I mean I got it for nothing.
A mate of my brother in law owed him a favour, so he got one for each of us. They were selling them at the show for $650 though.
Once i have my own place id like to make one.
Had the idea to make it on its side, with an old propane tank on the side for the burner, amd some exhaust pipe or something to pipe it all.
FREE is always good
$650, I’ll be building one then!!!