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SOTY 2015: The Contenders


Who’s your pick? Read the article and let us know!


Great article, Riely. I’m hoping Shane O’Neill takes it (I could be a bit biased but I loved his “Shane Goes” part and he’s been killing it in general), but there’s some serious competition in there. JAWS, Joslin, Ishod, Luan, Nyjah… take your pick!

Who do you think?


Luan for me.

He’s had an amazing year this year and he deserves it. Winning comps every where and also his video parts including PUSH was a good insight in to his morals and his style of skating.

Matriz park and the skate shop are always a great way he gives back to the local scene. 

What’s the difference between your list and the one on the Trasher site?


I shortened Thrasher’s 25-man list down to the skaters who I think are in with a real chance, and then went in-depth as to why I think they could win it. All outlined within the first paragraph of the article smiley

With that being said, anyone could win, even those not on my list. They’ve thrown surprises at us before. I guess the aim of the article was to make it more succinct, and to elaborate on the year each skater had, just to refresh everyone’s memory.

walker - 02 December 2015 01:37 PM

I shortened Thrasher’s 25-man list down to the skaters who I think are in with a real chance, and then went in-depth as to why I think they could win it. All outlined within the first paragraph of the article smiley

With that being said, anyone could win, even those not on my list. They’ve thrown surprises at us before. I guess the aim of the article was to make it more succinct, and to elaborate on the year each skater had, just to refresh everyone’s memory.

Damm so racist bro raspberry

*cough* *cough*

Looks like every one is trying to put the icing on the cake before it’s announced.


Luan is on my list! #6 haha. They’re in alphabetical order on the list, but he’s my pick to win it too, although Shane just dropped another Thrasher part so we’ll see. Jez might be on the money.

Plus it would be insane if an Aussie won it!


Damm AVE is big on the pro’s list or Guy. That would be nice due to their the older shredders.