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Fernie 2015/2016


Hey all,

Welcome to the TJ blog for this season. I’ll try to put up photos on a regular basis and will post some write-ups when I can.

To summarize my trip so far:

1. Arrived in Vancouver last Thursday (5th Nov)

2. Got my licence on Friday and Car on Saturday

3. Caught up with Jez, Michelle, Alysha, Jess, Finney and Reece in Vancouver for Dinner Saturday night

4. Went to Whistler and caught up with Johnny, Dylan and Finney again, stayed with Finney overnight and met his housemates. Checked out the lake:

5. Met us with Eliza who decided to leave Whistler and join me on the road trip to Fernie.

6. Drove to Fernie, going via Steven’s Pass, Leavenworth, Waitachee, Spokane and Canbrook

7. Arrived in Fernie on Tuesday night, checked out the local pub:

8. Been looking for places and applying for jobs. Yesterday we got approved for a house. We move in on Monday. Have been talking to a couple from Aubury who are keen on taking the master bedroom (4 people in a 3 bed house).

9. Went on a hike today to Fairy River Falls:


Great seeing you in Vancouver, TJ.

I’ve always been interested in Fernie so I’ll be regularly checking your thread.

Does Fernie have an opening day yet? Keep us posted.

Is Eliza staying in Fernie for the season? (Hi Eliza!)


Fernie’s opening day is currently set at the 4th but the lifty training is over a week before that so if it keeps puking down like it is today, it might be earlier.

Eliza is staying, she moved in here and we both took the single person rooms and are giving the master bedroom to the couple.


looking forward to checking in here and reading up on your adventures, TJ!


Ok, new updates

1. Moved into the new house

2. Got a job. I’m going to be a lifty again and started training last Thursday. As usual, training is super boring and nothing here is much different to Sun Peaks. But I’m getting paid so I’ll just do it raspberry

3. It snowed during the week. Mountain still can’t fully open but another dump or 2 could quickly change that.

4. We went to the Mogul Smoker party. Where people bring their old boards and skis and burn them to the snow gods to promote a good season. Went on all night, was crazy!

5. I went to Cranbrook to purchase some winter tires for the car. 2nd hand but they are like new. After I grabbed them, I went to Kimberly (our sister mountain) and had a look around.

6. Had to get the tires put on in Sparwood (there was over a week wait at Canadian tire here in Fernie so I did the 20 min drive to get them done quicker). Sparwood has the worlds biggest truck apparantly.

7. I started training for work.

8. And we had an awesome roast for American Thanksgiving


Awesome, mate. Thanks for the update.


Keep the updates coming, looks like an awesome place and I’m keen to head over there at some point.


Burning plastic to promote a good season, thats some delicious irony


New update:

Season is in full swing. You can now ride the mountain from top to bottom and the last chair opens this weekend. Recent updates:

1. We have a full house now, Sarah moved in earlier this month and we have all been out shredding together. Meeting tons of new people through everyone.

2. I have worked a few shifts as a lifty, should have a solid 4x10 hour days come next week.

3. Went to the staff sale. Didn’t buy anything but the others did. I just hung out, chatted with people and took pictures of the village looking all Christmas like.

4. Rode all day on opening day and 2nd day. Only Elk and Bear were open on the first day. Then on the 2nd day we had Timber and Whitepass. This is us at the top of Elk Chair.

5. Currie Bowl opened shorty after. I didn’t get to ride it for a few days due to work but it’s so wide there is always powder in there!
(Photo taken yesterday but is looking over Currie and up towards Polar Peak)

6. Cedar bowl opened a few days after that. We were about 15 mins after the rope drop.

7. Then while I was at work at the Haul Back, they opened Snake Ridge (far right of Cedar Bowl) and I had my lunch break. 1 hour round trip but the freshies were so worth it!

8. Once I got back to Haul Back, I decided to test to the snow depth to see if we rivaled Dan’s video:

I don’t think it was quite the same… lol

9. Staff Christmas party. Santa came around and gave out free Fireball and Jager shots. It was Star Wars themed so we went as Tuskan Raiders. Unfortunately I was having too much fun and forgot to get a photo until it was too late. I did however leave my Tuskan mask at the Raging Elk on the moose head:

10. Today I have a day off. Eliza left to go spend Christmas with her family in NY so we will see her back here before the new year. And Hayden and Sarah are Christmas shopping. We will likely get up the hill a bit later for a shred though and tomorrow I’m planning an early start since it’s supposed to puke down tonight.

Hughman666 - 30 November 2015 10:44 AM

Keep the updates coming, looks like an awesome place and I’m keen to head over there at some point.

Yeah man, this place is amazing. If you make it over, let me know and I’ll show you some cool spots I already know.




Awesome!  ??

Keep it coming, TJ!


Nice, TJ. Just checked in again. Think it is time for a new update!


Ok, new update… I know it’s taken a while but Christmas and New Years were pretty hektic.

1. Christmas and New Years weeks are crazy. There was 5500 people on the mountain each day and non stop bumping of chairs at work. The entire hill was tracked out and no new snow.

2. The day that all the punters left, we got snow again. Not much but anything is decent. Probably a big dump coming this weekend. Quite excited.

3. Hit up some of the awesome restaurants in town which include “Yama Goya” - Sushi, “Curry Bowl” - Currys and Pad Thai, “The Fernie” - Pub Food, “The Northern” - more Pub Food and as always lots and lots of Bagels from “Big Bang Bagels”.

4. Saw the new Star Wars movie.

5. Clear mornings have the best view:

6. We hiked up just out of bounds in Lost Boys pass and had a booter session:

7. And then rode all 10 lifts the next day including the carpet and pomas.

8. As always there has been plenty of nights out at many different places. Beer pong and Kings Cup are standards.

9. Tamara and Ryan (who were lifties in Sun Peaks with me) came to visit. Great times, thanks guys!

10. The town had a big bonfire to get rid of all the old Christmas trees. Was really hot!

11. The next lifty party is in 2 weeks and the theme is Famous Couples / Famous Groups. So if anyone has any ideas, feel free to let me know!

P.S. I got Bevis and Butthead socks:

And I made a Bacon / Egg sandwich as per this thread. Was good but not great. Very hard for not much reward:



loving your blog TJ.

mountain looks epic!!


Great stuff, TJ! Happy new year. ?

Booter session looks sick. How you enjoying the YES Jackpot?

Keep it coming!