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Whistler Blackcomb 2015/2016


Whistler Blackcomb 2015/2016

With all the snow that’s been falling, it’s probably a good time to start this thread. Welcome to the official “Whistler Blackcomb 2015/2016” discussion thread! shaka

Let’s start with a roll-call. Who is going to be in Whistler this season? Don’t be shy! wink

Please introduce yourself, tell us your plan for the season, and definitely make the effort to join the Boardworld members crew on one of our many shred days, or join us for drinks and a feed. I’ll keep you all posted via this thread. Also, join this Facebook group to keep in touch:

Check out the video and photos Whistler Blackcomb has just sent my way. The video was filmed yesterday, November 3rd. I was in Whistler today and it’s nice and cold, and the snow line is definitely creeping down low. I’m sure you’re all as excited as I am. Official opening day is set for November 26th, but as always, this could be a lot earlier if the snowfalls keep up!

Photos: Mitch Winton / Coast Mountain Photography

Photos: Paul Morrison


I was thinking about this 2 hours ago, wondering when the 15/16 forum would pop up.

I’m psychic.

Yiew. pumped.

As always I will be living in Van and will be up there every weekend sleeping on Jez/dan/finney/Henry’s couch.

Also might i suggest a BW Mongolian grill night perhaps next Wednesday night as per Last year?


I am Dan.

I will be boarding or at home poking Rhys with a stick while he’s trying to sleep on my couch.


edit: or busy helping Rhys to go see a medic


Hi all!

At the moment it looks like I’ll be working every weekend but free to ride during the week. So may not see much of you Rhys haha but if anyone’s riding during the week let me know!

Count me in for a Mongolian chow down.

Mountains are looking great so far, let’s keep it coming!


RhysL - 05 November 2015 12:43 PM

Also might i suggest a BW Mongolian grill night perhaps next Wednesday night as per Last year?

Yes, you may!


My names Rod, and I like to party.

Any one at glacier staff housing?


Hi all,

My name is Matt.

Not at staffhousing but have a couple of rental tech friends there so we’ve been chilling every night.

In upper village from Dec 1st.


Oooft. Staff housing is a lot of fun. especially if you’re name is Rodd and you like to Party. I lived there my first season - good times.

your rental tech friends will want to end their lives soon. just support them. haha no one liked working in rental tech.

also Dan… thats creepy man. what have i told you about getting your stick out when i’m around.

EDIT: Furo, i just realized you may also work in rental tech. so when you’re ready to end it I’m here


Im Eugene. Traveling with furorsekka. Working for the mountain.

RhysL - 05 November 2015 01:56 PM

Oooft. Staff housing is a lot of fun. especially if you’re name is Rodd and you like to Party. I lived there my first season - good times.

your rental tech friends will want to end their lives soon. just support them. haha no one liked working in rental tech.

also Dan… thats creepy man. what have i told you about getting your stick out when i’m around.

EDIT: Furo, i just realized you may also work in rental tech. so when you’re ready to end it I’m here

Haha, I wanted too but got into part time tickets validation. Seems like a cool crew also allows me to work nights.

Thepowpow - 05 November 2015 01:26 PM

My names Rod, and I like to party.

Any one at glacier staff housing?


I’m Laure I like to party and snowboard (and wakeboard in the summer).

I will be inhabiting staff housing like you rod!

I’ll be in whis from the 28th of this month following a week in van   shaka

Stoked levels one million




not as long this time, but I will see you gaiz again next year and that time it is forever. =P


P.S. I am in staff housing too.

P.P.S. Staff housing tip: do not tell teh drunk gaiz walking back that they’re being too loud and to keep it down becoz they will get louder. Just because. (wasn’t me, I was trying to sleep.)

grunge - 05 November 2015 02:50 PM

P.S. I am in staff housing too.

P.P.S. Staff housing tip: do not tell teh drunk gaiz walking back that they’re being too loud and to keep it down becoz they will get louder. Just because. (wasn’t me, I was trying to sleep.)

Hahahhaha thanks for the tip! I have a feeling I may or may not be one of the loud ones zipper

See you in staff housing v



Hit us up if you wanna ride, I’m pretty much a ski bum the whole time I’m there. =)


Raddd that’s what I like to hear. Will do thumbsup