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Snowboarding Photography Contest 2015


“Cork 7 Blunt”
Skier: Sean Richards
Credit: James Thompson ( @James_thompson101 )
Location: Perisher Front valley park ( 05/07/15)


Rider: Erryn Reeder
Photographer: Jake Sims
Location: NSW backcountry
Date: 10 October 2015

Erryn riding down the Elevator at Club Lake

Rider: Erryn Reeder
Photographer: Jake Sims
Location: NSW backcountry
Date: 10 October 2015

Hiking up the main chute

Rider: Erryn Reeder
Photographer: Jake Sims
Location: NSW backcountry
Date: 10 October 2015

Erryn off the top of Carruthers, take two for the shot i missed in winter


Rider: Erryn Reeder
Photographer: Jake Sims
Location: NSW backcountry
Date: 10th October 2015

Rider: Erryn Reeder
Photographer: Jake Sims
Location: NSW backcountry
Date: 10th October 2015

Lake skimming Club Lake

Riders: Tristyn Lowe and Erryn Reeder
Photographer: Jake Sims
Location: NSW backcountry
Date: 10th October 2015
Walking back home, storm rolling over in the distance, the end of the season.

Thats it, that’s all from me, what an awesome season. Thanks heaps to Boardworld for this competition, it pushed me really hard to try different angles and shots when i had the camera with me.


“Cattlemens front Board”
Rider: Tim Laidlaw
Credit: James Thompson ( @james_thompson101 )
Location: Mt Buller, Cattlemens Rail jam ( 11/07/15 )


“Pipe Air”
Rider: Matty Cox
Credit: James Thompson ( @james_thompson101 )
Location: Perisher Front valley pipe (16/08/15)


Rider: Unknown
Credit: James Thompson ( @james_thompson101 )
Location: Perisher Front Valley park ( 15?08/15)



Contest now closed

Thank you to everyone for entering the 2015 Snowboarding Photography Contest.

The winners will be announced soon.


Hey photographers!

We will be announcing the winners this coming week.

We are pretty much there, and the judges will be reaching their final decision by Friday, October 5th. We apologise for the delay. There were a lot of great photos so it’s taken some time.

We are looking forward to announcing the winners!


Winners announced

We would like to thank all of you for entering the 2015 Snowboarding Photography Contest. Unfortunately, there can only be one winner, and that photographer is: Finnegan Laver! All the judges felt Finnegan displayed thoughtful composition, effective editing/grading, great use of light, and thoughtful captures. Congratulations, Finnegan!

Second Place goes to: Jake. The judges were stoked with your photos, and some feedback for improvement would be: occasionally pull back from the action in order to capture it fully—as the rider isn’t always in the optimum position in the photos.

Third Place goes to: NicSnow. There was a great variety of photos to choose from, and the top 10 shots were all very good. Some feedback for improvement would be: aim for consistency in quality rather than quantity (be more selective), consider the composition with greater detail, and give more thought to the editing process.

Congratulations to the winners and all those who entered. You should all be encouraged by your efforts. Keep shooting and we hope to see you back next year!

Winners, please email promo(at) and we will get you sorted!


Thought I’d write up a little post to give a massive thanks to Boardworld, Rome Snowboards Australia and Transfer Snowboard Magazine for making this competition possible and allowing a keen community of snowboard photographers to showcase their work over the course of the season. I was honestly blown away by the quality of content that everyone produced and the inspiration that everyone drew from each others work. A big congratulations to Jake and Nic for their impressive portfolios; you guys were always posting great photos and I have a huge amount of admiration for the photographic abilities of both of you. I feel incredibly overwhelmed to be presented with 1st place and again must give a massive thanks to all the sponsors, contributors and judges for making this a reality. Hope to see you all out there getting some turns and shooting next season!