The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
The local gets a few imported brews for good deals!!!!!
$44 a carton of Budvar at the moment!!!!!
I got this Hark pattie press off eBay for $7!!!!!
44? nice. There used to be a realyl good bottlo here that sold a whole range of imports, like Budvar, and proper Dutch Heinekens. So so much better than the Aussie version.
Thats a pretty cool press. might have to look into one.
Yeah, they only stock the import Heine’s down there!!!!! I agree, I can taste the hops more in it?????
Only prob with that press, is I wished they up the diameter on it!!!!!
Yeah, plus the aussie water is different.
ah ok, I was using egg rings , but they were to small. so bought a mini spring tin like this
i think its about 12cm diameter. Works a treat, but can stick to the sides a little.
I think the Hark is around 10cm?????
It’s okay, but I woulda loved bigger!!!!!
The base pops out, so removin the patties is dead easy!!!!!
Plus ya can use the cavity press for stuffed, and there’s a mini press for sliders or kids!!!!!
Old mate that lives down the road from us dropped off a tray of Chicken drumsticks straight from his smoker yesterday, damn they were good.
When I get old and have spare time, I’m going to get me a smoker
When I get old and have spare time, I’m going to get me a smoker
You should have about 3 of them then?????
I’m only old so far
I’m only old so far
Get back to work!!!!!
Ribs fo lunch!!!!!
Damn that looks tasty mate.
While not anything to do with smoking, i made my own garlic butter for garlic bread.
More specifically Garlic, fresh lime and black pepper. Had it with my 4 cheese mix on top with dinner.
Turned out quite solid though, going to have to melt it down and whip it, maybe put a cream charger through it to make it a bit lighter and fluffy, so its easier to spread.
Smoked some pumpkins for my nephew and a work mate, so they can brew a beer!!!!!
Dinner tonight!!!!!
Did you have a manicure?