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How does everyone go about getting the most out of their money with the low exchange rate?
Is the best option to use cash until you set up a Canadian account and then get your larger chunk of money transferred from your Australian account?
I’ve used a Commonwealth bank travel card before and I lost around 5-10 cents per dollar under the exchange rate at the time.
If you’re exchanging money from an Australian account to a Canadian account (or any overseas account for that matter), I have found that the best rates are with an trading account. It takes a bit of a process to get approved, but it’s well worth it. No fees and the best rates around.
Until then, you’re probably best off just using an Australian credit card to pay for what you can, or draw money from an ATM with your Australian card. Not much you can do about the rates though. You’re always going to have to pay something.
I just use paypal to transfer cash from my aussie account to my canadian account.
Takes 1% i believe, but i dont do it very often so not sure how competitive the rates etc. are.
How does everyone go about getting the most out of their money with the low exchange rate?
Is the best option to use cash until you set up a Canadian account and then get your larger chunk of money transferred from your Australian account?
I’ve used a Commonwealth bank travel card before and I lost around 5-10 cents per dollar under the exchange rate at the time.
If you’re exchanging money from an Australian account to a Canadian account (or any overseas account for that matter), I have found that the best rates are with an trading account. It takes a bit of a process to get approved, but it’s well worth it. No fees and the best rates around.
Until then, you’re probably best off just using an Australian credit card to pay for what you can, or draw money from an ATM with your Australian card. Not much you can do about the rates though. You’re always going to have to pay something.
Ah cool this sounds like the way to go, i’ll have a look into this thanks fella!
I just use paypal to transfer cash from my aussie account to my canadian account.
Takes 1% i believe, but i dont do it very often so not sure how competitive the rates etc. are.
Yeah, they get you on the rates.
How does everyone go about getting the most out of their money with the low exchange rate?
Is the best option to use cash until you set up a Canadian account and then get your larger chunk of money transferred from your Australian account?
I’ve used a Commonwealth bank travel card before and I lost around 5-10 cents per dollar under the exchange rate at the time.
I was asking the same question a couple of weeks ago. I ended up getting a citibank plus debit card after finding ozgirl’s recommendation from last year. Plan will be to just transfer money from that into a Canadian bank account or withdraw from an ATM.
2 weeks to go for me before i’m in Van whooo!
Just a quick question for anyone who has worked in Whistler. Which company has the best phone reception or well which one would you recommend?
2 weeks to go for me before i’m in Van whooo!
Just a quick question for anyone who has worked in Whistler. Which company has the best phone reception or well which one would you recommend?
Can’t go wrong with Telus. I’d say they are the safest option for sure, best coverage etc.
3 weeks until I’m in Whistler, luckily I don’t need to deal with any currency exchange. Although for those of you that do I’ve heard from a few people that the cheapest way to do it is through a site that does peer to peer currency exchanges (basically matches you with someone else that wants to trade currencies) which seems like a cheap solution.
I just searched on Google quick and found these two
I’m sure more exist so might be worth looking into.
Also regarding phones, does anyone know how the coverage is for Koodo or Fido? I’m with Fido right now and was planning to just stick with them and get a Whistler number but Koodo is a bit cheaper.
I was with Fido for a couple of years around 2011-13. Had no issues with coverage in Whistler (I believe they run on the Rogers network if I remember correctly). They were very reliable.
Hey guys,
So I stumbled onto this thread and I’d just like to thank you all for the most informative place on the net.
I just wished I found it 6 months ago because unfortunately my naivety got the better of me and I’ve done it all through IEP. We live and we learn.
I’m heading off to Marmot Basin up in Jasper to start on November 2nd with a mate. (Both got jobs as liftys yewww!!!) It’s our first season working at a resort let alone first time out of Australia so we’re very excited but not sure what to expect of course.
I was just wondering if anyone had been or worked at marmot to get a bit of an idea of what to expect and hopefully pick up a few contacts if we get the chance to check out some other resorts and meet up with a couple of you.
Thanks again for this awesome thread and hope to meet some killer personalities
Welcome to the forums!
Please don’t beat yourself up to much - IEP are a quality organisation who i myself used my first time.
Just think you know you have a job before you leave. Which I myself was very glad I had when i went to the US my first time.
I won’t, I promise. Having the guaranteed job is a massive load off.
Welcome to Boardworld, BerraBro!
Definitely hit me up if you’re thinking of visiting Whistler this season. There’s a bunch of us over there!
Ozgirl is right, and I’m sure you can agree, having job security is peace of mind and means you can enjoy the journey. Keep us posted and we’ll chat more on the forums soon!
Hey guys,
So I stumbled onto this thread and I’d just like to thank you all for the most informative place on the net.
I just wished I found it 6 months ago because unfortunately my naivety got the better of me and I’ve done it all through IEP. We live and we learn.I’m heading off to Marmot Basin up in Jasper to start on November 2nd with a mate. (Both got jobs as liftys yewww!!!) It’s our first season working at a resort let alone first time out of Australia so we’re very excited but not sure what to expect of course.
I was just wondering if anyone had been or worked at marmot to get a bit of an idea of what to expect and hopefully pick up a few contacts if we get the chance to check out some other resorts and meet up with a couple of you.
Thanks again for this awesome thread and hope to meet some killer personalities
Welcome to the boards mate, like the others said, don’t beat yourself up about the IEP thing. I am against paying money to get a job cause I work it out to be X amount of hours before you make a cent. But it is peace of mind. I’m heading over with no job and while I know I’ll be fine, would still prefer to have something sorted by now lol.
So while I haven’t actually been to Marmot myself, I did have a few people (I met in Van) on my facebook who went there.
Only 2 things I saw come up often from them:
1. It is cold. Awesome but freezing cause it’s so far north.
2. Staff accom is tiny. I think they had 3 or 4 people to a room.
(Here is a photo I took from one of their facebook pages)
But this is still luxury compared to the staff accom at Falls Creek… So quit your whinging
Oh yeah, if you get to Fernie, hit me up for a beer too
I might get up there but honestly Banff, Kicking Horse, Red and Kimberley are higher priorities for road trips and closer. (I get free riding at KH and Kimberley)
Can anyone recommend any short term accommodation in Whistler to book for a couple of weeks to try and sort out a job and more permanent accommodation?
I had a phone interview last week with Panorama resort (wanted to cover all bases in case I’m not successful) but just impulsively booked 2 weeks at the Whistler Lodge Hostel (November 20th - December 4th), but might consider changing accommodation or dates if it might make things easier?
I also have the flexibility to couch surf in a few spots in the US for a few weeks if you guys reckon I might have more luck work wise turning up maybe a couple weeks after the start of season instead once a few people begin bailing?
PS. Has anyone on here ever been to Panorama?