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Woooo just got my visa application approved!!!
Getting excited now!
Awesome! Now to just have everything else you want to do planned so it all goes smoothly
There is stuff… but it’s not a fantastic town…
There is a movie cinema, hockey rink, shops, pubs and your normal sort of amenities… but it can be a bit of a trek from the bus stop.
Honestly, I’d probably smash another 3h or so and get to Revelstoke. Much nicer atmosphere, still a decent amount of stuff to do (most likely you’ll go to a pub or have dinner and crash anyway) and then getting on the bus the next morning is more bareable since it’s only 4h or so left.
Either way, won’t make much difference but yeah I’d go to Revvie since it’s smaller and therefore easier to get around without transport.
Ah yeah I thought it would be a bit like that.
I have to transfer buses at Kamloops so I thought I might as well just stay the night there, but if the bus stop is hard to get to/from I might take your advice and stay a night at Revvie or Golden
So I’m officially heading to SP as a lifty this season. Getting excited. Read TJs awesome Pros and Cons post which was awesome. Anyone have any other tips? Atm I’m trying to decide where to live between LSL and Whispering Pines. Can’t wait yeew!
So I’m officially heading to SP as a lifty this season. Getting excited. Read TJs awesome Pros and Cons post which was awesome. Anyone have any other tips? Atm I’m trying to decide where to live between LSL and Whispering Pines. Can’t wait yeew!
Are you going as a couple or a single? If single, go LSL 100% of the time. You get a room to yourself, decent sized kitchen and separate shower / toilet / dual sinks.
WP has 2 beds in the same room (sleeping around 1m from the person next to you), a kitchenette and an all in 1 bathroom.
The couples rooms in WP aren’t too bad though, If you’re a couple, I’d go with one of those (2 couples in the apartment and double beds rather than singles.
If you’re set on SP, awesome. If you’re not, keep applying for other resorts and then take the one you like the most. SP on a good year has champagne powder (mod edit) and good slackcountry with a ton of runs.
SP last year didn’t get much snow (neither did many resorts) and therefore it’s groomer central.
Pretty set on SP as I already know a few people there. Don’t mind the groomers I’m still only an intermediate boarder!
Thanks for the info TJ I think I’ll put down LSL
Awesome, good on you!
I might end up doing a road trip to SP to check out the ole watering hole. If I do, I’ll hit you up!
When are you travelling to Canada?
Thanks for that reply TJ. Always a wealth of information.
I’m officially booked to fly into Calgary on the 23rd of october.
Planning on staying in Banff and riding sunshine village, still no interview offer but im not too fussed. Will definitely take your advice and submit resumes a week before i fly out.
So I did the final process of my visa application on the 25th of Aug. Checked my email/application today and they said it had been approved on the 26th of Aug, waaaaay faster than I would have thought it would have been processed.
Anyway, it says that I would get a message saying what to do next, but I haven’t received anything in my email or on cic (apart CIC saying it has been approved in several places on the web page). So does this mail they are supposed to send me take longer to come after it has been approved or it it supposed to be sent automatically when it is approved, what I’m really asking here is has this happened to anyone else?
I’ll probably just ring early tomorrow morning when it is not 2130 for them :p
Boom, I’ve been approved to go back if I want to
See I have the approved message too, but I didn’t get that letter in my account that they say they would send :/
See other thread
I read somewhere about residents of Alberta getting free healthcare, Has anyone done this and had problems getting into canada without having evidence of health insurance when you fly in?
I read somewhere about residents of Alberta getting free healthcare, Has anyone done this and had problems getting into canada without having evidence of health insurance when you fly in?
Get travel insurance (which covers health) for at least 2-3 weeks when you fly in. You can’t apply for free healthcare unless you are a resident (living on property). Then you can make the decision to extend travel insurance or not.
I read somewhere about residents of Alberta getting free healthcare, Has anyone done this and had problems getting into canada without having evidence of health insurance when you fly in?
Get travel insurance (which covers health) for at least 2-3 weeks when you fly in. You can’t apply for free healthcare unless you are a resident (living on property). Then you can make the decision to extend travel insurance or not.
Ah alright cheers mate.
Who do you usually go with for travel insurance?
I went with TID last time. Pain in the ass when trying to claim but I also didn’t get a police report so it was kind of my fault.
Honestly, they are pretty much all going to be similar, just covering your luggage and first few weeks before you settle down.
You’ll need ambo cover as well if you’re planning to snowboard, not just health insurance.
Just a word of warning. I dont know about Alberta, but here in B.C you cant apply for B.C Health (Their healthcare system) unless you have to have been living there for at least 3 consecutive months. Might want to look into that.
Just a word of warning. I dont know about Alberta, but here in B.C you cant apply for B.C Health (Their healthcare system) unless you have to have been living there for at least 3 consecutive months. Might want to look into that.
Hey Deano
I will be heading to BC, I was thinking of getting 6 months travel insurance to begin with and play it by ear from there.
Mainly getting the insurance for the medical cover. Given the information above, would it be better for me to look at say 3 months travel insurance first then get the BC Health insurance.
On a side note what does the BC health cover?