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Thredbo 2015


Sorry I missed answering your question clevo.

By now you would know it’s deep enough. But it was starting to be getting a bit thin last weekend.
After yesterday’s snow…


Yeah thanks mate!

The PYL is in the bag!
Heading to the airport today.
Drive up tomorrow. Hope the roads are open!


Any one around this weekend? Got a couple days off so heading down, weather doesn’t look great but I’m no fair-weather shredder


Started coming down with a cold last week, got so bad I thought my season was done.
Cancelled the jobs I had on and went home to mums to die.

2 days ago my appetite came back, then energy levels increased. Got some sun on my skin then remembered it was winter.

Jumped in the car last night, hit Thredbo at 2am. Woke to a beautiful greeting of a sundrenched, snow covered hill. 

Last time I rode I lasted half a run - today will be different. shred

Wizey where are you??


DHG tomorrow.


We’ll see.
It pissed down last night for a few hrs and there is still a good amount of wind this morn.

(And I might have commuted myself to meeting up with a cute girl I met last)


Met up with Wizey yesterday, a mate of mine joined us, then a mate of his made a tidy foursome.

What will forever be known as the CC Crew.

A great day of riding, falling, talking shit, plenty of smiles and a relaxed lunch back at my place.
It only ended because the lifts stopped turning.

...and Wizey the cute girl I’m meeting today isn’t the barmaid from the bistro (she didn’t call when she finished work). This is an entire new thing that happened after I came home.

Not the best day for snow conditions but one of the best vibes for a whole day in a long time!


Entirely new thing once you got home?





Can anyone advise on the conditions at Thredbo ATM, heading down for the weekend with the boys then meeting the family for the following week.