The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Ahoy hoy,
So we are planning on spending dead season (All of Oct and some of Nov) exploring our southern neighbours.
Anyone been before? Recommendations? Tips? Places to avoid? etc etc.
At this stage its looking like we may fly into Mexico, then drive down to Belize, Guatemala and den head off to the rest ( Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama).
EDIT - Shitballs i should have put this in the travel section. Oh well.
Very jealous!
Just the missus like to read?
I recently read a great book about a woman who backpacked through some of those countries. Good read and may give oyu some tips as well.
Will send you a link via facebook.
Yeh she loves reading, send me that link please!