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Introducing the GoPro HERO4 Session


Introducing the GoPro HERO4 Session

Introducing HERO4 Session, the smallest, lightest, most convenient GoPro yet. Its rugged, waterproof design eliminates the need for a separate housing, while a single button powers on the camera and starts recording automatically. With 1080p60 video and 8MP photos, HERO4 Session delivers the professional image quality that has made GoPro famous.

What’s Included:
•HERO4 Session Camera
•Standard Frame
•Low-Profile Frame
•Curved Adhesive Mount
•Flat Adhesive Mount
•Ball Joint Buckle
•Mounting Buckles + Hardware
•USB Cable


looks sexy but not $580 sexy. props to GoPro for constantly pushing it though, I’ll stick with the black 3+ until a major price drop.


^ This. I’m not even on a 4, and I still have my H2… definitely see the uses for new users, but as someone who has a GP already… not really worth the “upgrade,” yet….


Looks pretty damn cool to me. I’ve always appreciated device portability. Anything that makes it easier to carry means I’m more likely to use it.


I saw the ads for it this morning via the Travis Rice FB feed.  Looks very cool but as they always say, the devil is in the detail.

Check out this review - it has some very interesting points, namely:

- No swappable battery - am I the only person who carries multiple batteries for a day on the slopes?
- Image quality worse than the Hero4 Silver
- Less frame rate & resolution options

Bottom line for me is if this was retailing for ~$300, it would definitely have a place in my backpack.  But not at the current retail of nearly double that ($579.95).

I’ll stick with my Hero 3 Black for now.


It swear every time I upgrade to a new model they release another one, I’d still rather my Hero 4 Black over this though.


Well this just came out…. Looks like the business smile


I think Jez wants all convo to be posted in this thread….

Can i mod lock this please.



agh very good, thought it was strange that no one had posted it yet haha


still running a 3 silver and loving it. It is neat they’ve made it smaller but def not splashing out $500+ on one of these.

Hughman666 - 07 July 2015 11:37 AM

I saw the ads for it this morning via the Travis Rice FB feed.  Looks very cool but as they always say, the devil is in the detail.

Check out this review - it has some very interesting points, namely:

- No swappable battery - am I the only person who carries multiple batteries for a day on the slopes?
- Image quality worse than the Hero4 Silver
- Less frame rate & resolution options

Bottom line for me is if this was retailing for ~$300, it would definitely have a place in my backpack.  But not at the current retail of nearly double that ($579.95).

I’ll stick with my Hero 3 Black for now.

Just watched the video from wired. Being a non go pro owner at present, by the looks of it for the same price, the hero4 silver sounds like the better option.


Would not trade down from my 4 Black for this, cute though it is.


RRP in Australia: $579.00

Member price: $521.10

Pre-order price: $499.00 (need to know ASAP though)

If anyone is interested, please contact me directly either by PM or using the contact form.


Going to stick with my Replay XD Prime X, same features, and a few more for much less price. Not worth the price for what you get. Profile doesn’t look any lower really. Yes less surface area but still sticking up/out there.

Will see what’s about when the new chips come online.



I love the look of it. Wont be buying one. But if i were to buy an action cam, this would prob be the one I got.

In my opinion its better to have a friend who owns a camera than owning one yourself wink


I like its size, but I really like the screen on my Hero 4, not sure I will be getting one until I hear what the battery life is like. I like seeing my footage straight away and don’t know how long the battery is going to last if i’m constantly streaming to my phone just to check out my last bit of action. Anyone else in the same boat, or is it just me?