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Working at Whistler 2015-2016 — Questions


Hi Everyone!

I’m planning to head over to Whistler in Mid September, and I’ve never been there to work before. I’m currently in the process of applying/deciding on places to work (hoping for Blackcomb)

So I thought I would start this thread so we can get a conversation going with anyone who plans to head over as well or wants to offer any super helpful advice!

Anyone else from Sydney?

Eliza smile


I’m going to be heading to Whistler for this upcoming season as well, I’m thinking I’ll probably head there sometime in the last week of October. I haven’t worked there before either but I’m going to be working as a rental technician this season.

I already live in Canada but I live on the east coast, and have never been to the west coast so looking forward to checking it out.


Oh cool. How did you go about getting that job?

And are you Canadian or just over there working & living?

I’ll see you around whistler smile

elizamed - 18 July 2015 03:01 PM

Oh cool. How did you go about getting that job?

And are you Canadian or just over there working & living?

I’ll see you around whistler smile

Yeah I’m Canadian, Whistler travels to a few cities in Canada and does a job fair in them and that’s how I got the job. The guy interviewing me told me we were some of the first people being interviewed, so I’m pretty lucky to have gotten a job this early on.

Looking forward to seeing you in Whistler smile


Welcome to Boardworld, Eliza! shaka

I’m from Sydney as well. We actually have quite a few Sydney Boardworld members currently living in Whistler. I’m sure they’ll pop into this thread if they’re not too busy in the bike park! wink

Let me know if you guys have any questions.


Hey there Eliza I’m from Sydney too smile I currently work for Whistler Blackcomb and I’ve been living here for nearly 2 years.

Sooooo what ya wondering?


You’re lucky Johnny! Hopefully I’ll get a job that easily hahaha
How did you find the job fair? Did you find it easy to score the job?

Hi Wilmshurst! Awesome, you’re from Sydney as well smile

How are you finding it at Blackcomb? Do you think its the best decision for me to get a job at Blackcomb and live in staff housing etc, because I’ve also been considering the Hotels such as Fairmont, The Westin, Hilton… but not sure about the staff perks/social life and other things that seem to come with Blackcomb.

What do you think is the wise decision for me as a first timer?

Thanks guys!!

elizamed - 20 July 2015 11:48 AM

You’re lucky Johnny! Hopefully I’ll get a job that easily hahaha
How did you find the job fair? Did you find it easy to score the job?

Hi Wilmshurst! Awesome, you’re from Sydney as well smile

How are you finding it at Blackcomb? Do you think its the best decision for me to get a job at Blackcomb and live in staff housing etc, because I’ve also been considering the Hotels such as Fairmont, The Westin, Hilton… but not sure about the staff perks/social life and other things that seem to come with Blackcomb.

What do you think is the wise decision for me as a first timer?

Thanks guys!!

It’s an awesome opportunity working for WB it’s a big company with lots of opportunity to move around and progress if that’s what you want to do. I started out as a lifty and now I’ve been in lift maintenance for 18 months.

So for my wife and I it was a great choice to work for them too because we started early enough to be able to be get straight into staff housing. This last winter was hard for a lot of people to find a place to live even some hotel staff struggled to find a place. This year is different WB are having most of their staff accomodation set aside for first season staff only. So that might work in your favour if you snag a job with them.

Lots of companies outside WB will either give you a ski pass for free or sign you up for a “spirit pass” which is a pass you pay for but its at a lower rate or they help pay for your pass. WB give you a bunch of discounts around the village too and a couple of day passes at Christmas too.

Social life here is awesome it doesn’t matter where you work everyone in town in winter is here for a good time and it’s pretty easy to fall in with a group of like minded folks. All else fails the BW guys and girls would be more than happy to hang out and party!

Hope that helps. Alway happy to give more info.


Hey Eliza,

I received some official answers to the questions you sent me via PM (and a couple of extra questions I threw in).

What is the exact location of the September job fair in “the lower mainland” / Vancouver?

• The exact date for the Vancouver stop of the Domestic job fair has been set for September 15th.

• At this stage the interviews will likely happen at our offices in Burnaby (Resort Reservations Whistler) but that will be confirmed once successful applicants are shortlisted and invited for interviews.

• Our website has been updated with the date:

• Keep in mind if someone get hired at the September fair the majority of positions don’t start until sometime in November so they have to plan their time before that.  Continue at their job wherever they are until then, go travelling etc..

Is this open to everyone OR just Canadians? If an Australian is there on the right day at the right location can they attend this job fair? Any info on this job fair would be appreciated.

• Just as all our fairs, it is open to all qualified applicants, no matter their nationality, if they are legally entitled to work in Canada (they must possess their work permit already).

• There may or may not be availability for walk ins, it will depend on the number of that have already booked in for interviews.

• My suggestion is that if someone is interested they apply when the fair opens to applications, generally 1 month prior, keep an eye on that link above for the information to be released.  Then they will be shortlisted, and if successful, invited for an interview that they can book in for.  This will be the only way to confirm an interview for that day.

Do you have exact dates of the Job Fairs yet? Most importantly, the October/November Job Fair.

• There will be a Whistler date for the September job fair, TBC, but likely on one of the weekends following the Vancouver date (so either September 18/19 or 25/26)  again the above web link will have the dates as soon as they are sorted out.

• The Fall Fair will be Friday October 30 & Saturday October 31. Applications will open around 1 month prior, keep an eye on the above website.  Same process as the September fair, apply, shortlisted, if successful invited for interview.

Is there still a good chance for prospective employees to get a job at the November job fair if this is what they are coming over for?

• There are always a lot of positions to be filled at the Fall Fair, across a variety of departments, both paid Full time & Part time and volunteer.

• We don’t know the “spread” of positions, so to speak, until after all our return staff and international and domestic initiatives are completed by the end of September.

• Then we work with the Managers what positions are needing to be filled and we post those.

• What we are looking to hire will be posted when the fair opens for applications approximately 1 month before it takes place.

• There’s definitely a good chance for qualified applicants across a wide variety of skills and abilities.  However, not all positions are available at the Fall Fair, and it changes from year to year, applicants will have to see what we need at the time of posting.


Hey Eliza, welcome!

I’m from Sydney as well, I live in Vancouver now with my gf and we’re alway up hanging out in Whis with the BW crew. look forward to meeting you sometime.

Enjoy the lead up to getting out here!



Thanks so much Rider26 for your reply. SO much info which is awesome!

I’ve booked my flights to get over to Canada on the 11th, and going to stay in Vancouver for a few days to set myself up with a bank account, SIN etc…

Then onto Whistler where I’ve secured a room in the village, and also a job at a coffee shop to start when I get there. The job can also be a back-up plan if everything falls through and I can’t work for Blackcomb.. and they give me a free ski pass which is cool!

But I still will attend the Job Fair in Whistler, but applications aren’t open yet right?

Also, if anyone is in Whistler from Sep 16th, we should arrange drinks or something smile


RhysL - 30 July 2015 05:46 AM

Hey Eliza, welcome!

I’m from Sydney as well, I live in Vancouver now with my gf and we’re alway up hanging out in Whis with the BW crew. look forward to meeting you sometime.

Enjoy the lead up to getting out here!


Hey Rhys,

Oh great! I’d love to meet you with you guys, are you living in Vancouver throughout the winter season?

I will!

Eliza smile


Yeah we live here all year round and drive up to whis most weekends as Alysha is Canadian and is doing her masters in Van. I’m sure we can stretch ourselves to get a beer with you while you’re in van getting sorted. No doubt I can drag Jez (rider) and Michelle out for a beer too wink

elizamed - 30 July 2015 08:52 AM

Thanks so much Rider26 for your reply. SO much info which is awesome!

I’ve booked my flights to get over to Canada on the 11th, and going to stay in Vancouver for a few days to set myself up with a bank account, SIN etc…

Then onto Whistler where I’ve secured a room in the village, and also a job at a coffee shop to start when I get there. The job can also be a back-up plan if everything falls through and I can’t work for Blackcomb.. and they give me a free ski pass which is cool!

But I still will attend the Job Fair in Whistler, but applications aren’t open yet right?

Also, if anyone is in Whistler from Sep 16th, we should arrange drinks or something smile


So you have booked a room in a hotel? Also how long did it take you to get the job at the coffee shop? was it through WB, a working holiday site? or did you contact them directly?

I have so many questions to anyone who has their life more sorted than mine lol.

I’m waiting for my visa to come back (approved hopefully). How long did yours take btw?

I’m thinking I might head over early even without a job lined up, I know someone over there atm renting a house from WB, I just want that lift operator staff housing lyfe :p

RhysL - 31 July 2015 03:41 PM

Yeah we live here all year round and drive up to whis most weekends as Alysha is Canadian and is doing her masters in Van. I’m sure we can stretch ourselves to get a beer with you while you’re in van getting sorted. No doubt I can drag Jez (rider) and Michelle out for a beer too wink

That beer would be great, I won’t have many friends when I arrive in Vancouver so I would love that!




Well I’ve booked an Airbnb for the 5 Days I’m in Vancouver, and when I get to whistler I’ve secured a room in a room in Nesters through a Facebook group. The roommates seem pretty cool, I’ve talked to them and it seems like a pretty good deal!

And the coffee shop is Starbucks, and I just applied online (on the Starbucks website) and the manager in whistler who takes care of all of the stores there just emailed me back, and just wants to meet in person when I get there, but from the looks of things, its pretty secure!

Hahaha, you can ask away but I’m probably just as knowledgeable as you! I still have heaps of questions myself too lol

Well mine took ages, in total it was about 3 months, I applied in late march and got it in like June.. I was so scared!! It was dragged out because I accidentally got a state police check instead of a Federal one (rookie error)

When did you lodge yours? You’ll be fine I promise smile

Yeah that plan sounds fine, I think the main concern is accommodation first, then a job comes after because you don’t want to be homeless.. Just make sure you can pay for rent for a while I guess.

Yeah same! I want the whole staff accommodation experience thing but who knows, I might end up liking working at Starbucks and living as a roommate raspberry

When are you planning on heading over?