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Some great photos being posted!
Jealous of your awesome Euro trip, Jez.
A few photos from Madrid, Spain.
A few photos from Madrid, Spain.
Love the look and style of old European cities. The amount of decorative additions and statues everywhere.
I’ve been to Sweden and the whole country is a mix of older stylish copper roofed buildings and very minimal modern buildings.
Yeah man, I love it too. We’ve seen some really awesome old cities so far. Spain was an absolute blast. I still owe you guys some photos from San Sebastian. But we are now in Bordeaux and we are heading into the beautiful vineyard the day after tomorrow. We are meant to be eating and drinking wine at a local castle or something. I’m not sure what to expect exactly but we’re excited. Will post some photos up in a few days!
Gorgeous weather! That was one of the best things about travelling Europe, the weather seemed to always be nice! The only time it turned sour was in the Netherlands, but nothing worse than a little drizzle.
It’s been so hot since we arrived in Europe. For a good couple of weeks the temps were consistently in the mid 30s, even as high as 40 in Bordeaux. Today we are in Münster, Germany, visiting a friend from Whistler. It’s the first day we’ve had a bit of rain while we were out during the day. It was a pleasant change.
Ooh this thread looks right up my alley! Some amazing photos already posted. I’ll have to be careful around here as it doesn’t take much for travel photos to suddenly turn into expensive purchases!
I’ll try to dig up some photos from Japan/NZ/North America
Looking up at the sphinx from the shores of Gallipoli
August offensive commemorations Gallipoli
Willie Apiata, NZ’s only current surviving VC winner, at the NZ ceremony. They did the Haka at the end of the ceremony and it was absolutely amazing to watch from 1m away, one of the most emotional ceremony’s i have ever been to.
Amazing photos, Jake. Thanks for sharing.
Looking forward to seeing your photos, Dave.
Naturally time has got away from me so I didn’t even get a chance to put a dent in my ever expanding lightroom catalog. I promised some photos so here’s a few I’ve managed to dig up (unfortunately I’ve just realised they are in 16x9 as I’d cropped them for use as my TV’s wallpaper so try to ignore that stuff has been cut off at the top and bottom! )
Most you’ve probably already seen in the compressed square form on my instagram
If/When I get around to it I’ll try to pick some good ones out from previous trips and add them here.
North America Dec-Jan 14/15
First Night in New York (Merica)
View into Chelsea from the highline
View from the top of the rock towards Central Park
View from top of the rock towards Times Square
Grand Central Station
Shot from Brooklyn side of the bridge
Could have stayed here all night
A huge dump of snow resulting in a different photo from the usual green grass of Arlington Cemetary
Washington DC
Vancouver lights
Whistler Lights
Green Lake
Grand Canyon
Vegas Baby!
Le Reve
Sunny Days in San Francisco
Golden Gate Bridge
New Zealand North Island June-July 2015
Auckland from the top of Mt Eden
Kite Kite Falls
Rotorua Museum
Back Beach and Paritutu Rock
Will have a look through my Japan and NZ South Island stuff soon.
Awesome photos Dave and Jake!
Agreed, some incredible photos being posted. I’m going to add more soon once I’ve gone through my photos.