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Have to disagree on that. I like the C2 on my Lando. Don’t be a hater mr. bear.
EDIT: However, my C2 profile doesn’t teeter totter (contact points are touching the ground).
That’d be more of a C3 Profile then wouldn’t it?????
And then I’d question the relevance of the rocker in the centre?????
Not a hater mate, just a realist!!!!!
Been on C2, and won’t go back!!!!!
^ Forgiveness would be the point I think?
I mean.. there was a rocker trend and it was all about how forgiving a board is, but I found it pretty sloppy to be honest.
I have a ‘12 Agent Rocker and I think it’s more of a C2 profile, and I am considering getting the new season’s Agent Rocker which is a C3 (contact points touch the ground naturally,) but have been playing around and thinking of getting something more 0-camber and more playful… (although I think I will regret this decision.)
@Mizu: C3 = contact points touching the ground but the rocker is suspended (doesn’t touch). C2 = supposedly contact points off the ground (and teeter totter), but for some reason mine didn’t. Lib is known for their inconsistencies on their camber profile if you’re on EL. The point of the rocker in the middle (even if the ends touch the ground) is as grunge pointed out for forgiveness and also better float in powder (as the contact points do not have enough pressure). Grunge has tried mine and I think he said it feels stable unlike most rocker boards. Correct me if I’m wrong here Andy haha. Also I tune my base and side edge to 1 degree bevel, I’ve tried the stock 0 degree and hated it.
@grunge: I think you’ll like C3. I’ve tried 0 camber and hated it. I think it’s the worst of both worlds. I want a C3 board too, but too bad I won’t be snowboarding anytime soon =( and buying a new board is just stupid haha.
^ haha yes, your lando feels more stable.
I’m not a big fan of rocker boards as I feel it’s too washy, one of my first boards I used is a sierra stunt (based off a burton blunt.)
I’ll have to say tho’, remember that day I tried Dan’s Ultrafear, and he tried my bindings, I really liked that loose soft feel but easy to start carving, so I figgered I need to have a 0 camber short board at 154 MAX, thinkin’ about the new Yes Public as I like the graphics on it.
Not sure how much I’d use it before I switch to my bataleon tho’, as I seem to have a tendency to go to a fundamentally cambered board. =P
@skip Yeah, so if your Lando doesn’t “teeter totter” then the profile (no matter what Lib said, or what was on the sticker, or what it was supposed to be) is a C3, which is basically a cambered board!!!!! And why Grunge also confirms that it’s a stable board!!!!!
The bit about a C3’s Rockered Center making it better in Pow, I dunno????? But my money’s on both a Full Rocker or CamRock bein way better!!!!!
Maybe Lib’s “dodgy manufacturing profiles” are most likely a way that they could make their boards ride better, without losin face with their Technology Terminology that they’re renown for?????
^ haha yeah. “dodgy manufacturing profiles,” not that I know anything about it.
Hell I used to want a lib tech/gnu when I started, then I kinda realized… they put their money into marketing, or so it seems.
@Mizu: It’s still not a C3, because C3, the middle of the board doesn’t touch the ground (rocker is suspended, overall camber shape). Mine, the middle of the board and the contact points are touching the ground.
^ Is there a mervin shape that’s like the new Agent Rocker profile? like all 3 touching?
Just curious, it seems it’s either mid rocker touching or just the 2 contact points touching….
Maaaan, I don’t even put that much effort into reading up on my tech stuff anymore….
@grunge: I think the new 2016 Scotty Wittlake board has a profile called Flat C3. Or you can always go around and check every C2 and C3 board, some C2 (like mine) has all 3 touching. Spenser’s Beast or Billy Goat (can’t remember which one) which is supposed to be C3 has all 3 touching (which is not supposed to be).
^ yeah.. I’d rather not check each board, to me that level of inconsistency should only apply to boutique smaller operation one man shop type thing.
I dunno, I definitely don’t see how an inconsistency like that is good for a big marketing high turnover company like Mervin.
Makes me glad I didn’t get a mervin (sort of, altho’ I wish it wasn’t.)
Yeah, their inconsistencies suck balls. I still love their boards for some reason haha.
Yeah, their inconsistencies suck balls. I still love their boards for some reason haha.
if i weight 76kg, size 10us feet and stand 185cm tall what size board should i go?
if i weight 76kg, size 10us feet and stand 185cm tall what size board should i go?
All depends on what board you’re lookin at, and/or where you’re plannin to ride it!!!!!