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Looking for a new board


To be honest I have no clue what my stance width is set up to lol (how do I even measure that?)... But I’m about 5"7 and weigh around 73-75 kg’s. Bindings are currently set to +15/-3. Any tips will be greatly appreciated! Cheers smile


Ride what feels comfortable. If you want to try something different, my first adjustment would be to move your back foot closer to -15. This will allow you to progress quicker in switch and really won’t affect much when riding regular.

I know a lot of people here swear by giving beginners a 0 or -3 back foot but honestly it’s a really weird angle for your knee to bend and can cause you discomfort or pain while riding. It also makes toe overhang and drag more common (easier to “catch an edge”).


Cheers TJswish!

Will give +15/-9 a try!

Franchise - 24 June 2015 09:20 AM

To be honest I have no clue what my stance width is set up to lol (how do I even measure that?)... But I’m about 5"7 and weigh around 73-75 kg’s. Bindings are currently set to +15/-3. Any tips will be greatly appreciated! Cheers smile

Measure from the centre of the front binding disc to the centre of the back binding disc. I’d like to know what stance width you’re rocking. wink

I like TJ’s advice on the rear binding angle. Have a play with -9, take note of how it feels, then try -15. I am confident this will make your tailpresses and switch nosepresses feel better, as your rear hip will be able to drive further and with more force towards the tail. Experimentation is key to finding your ideal stance. The same goes for waist width.

rider26 - 25 June 2015 03:52 AM
Franchise - 24 June 2015 09:20 AM

To be honest I have no clue what my stance width is set up to lol (how do I even measure that?)... But I’m about 5"7 and weigh around 73-75 kg’s. Bindings are currently set to +15/-3. Any tips will be greatly appreciated! Cheers smile

Measure from the centre of the front binding disc to the centre of the back binding disc. I’d like to know what stance width you’re rocking. wink

It’s about 24/24 and a half cm’s


Sorry? Haha, not sure what to make from that.

What’s 24/24 and a half cm? I don’t understand (sorry mate).

Do you mean 24 inches?


Haha I’m not sure, I measured it with my Now bindings tape measure and I swear it was cm? Haha i’ll have to double check when I get home sorry!


24?!?!? Wah you’re like standing straight.. that’s prolly inches… hold on…. *grabs now tape*


Once side is inches, the other cm… and it indicates either 60 inches or 150cm….

Also just to be clear I’m talking about my NOW bindings measuring tape, which should have came with your bindings.


Yeah I used my NOW bindings measure tape too and it stated 24 on one side and 60 on the other haha… Does that sound right?


^ Yerp.

Sounds very right. 24” or 60cm. =)


Haha, 24” is more like it! OK, I don’t think stance width is your problem, as it’s a fairly wide stance for your height. I would even suggest playing around with a slightly narrower stance. I’m pretty much your height and anything over 23” feels too wide for me, personally. Generally, wider stances make pressing easier, but if you go too far with it, it can actually hinder your movement.

I think your rear binding angle will make a noticeable difference as previously mentioned. So play around with this. Gradually go all the way up to -15 degrees on your rear binding. See how it feels.

Beyond that, it all comes down to technique. A common misconception about presses is it’s all about leaning; “I need to lean back / lean forward” etc. Pressing is all about shifting and driving down your hips towards the nose or tail. Once your hips are shifted, you can still stay perfectly aligned (giving you control) while putting more pressure on the nose and tail, which will essentially allow you to press the side you’re shifting towards, and lift the other. You can even practice this on a flat area without even moving. Press one side, then shift your hips, and press the other. Practice, practice, practice!


Thanks for the info guys, practice does make perfect!

I’ve sent you a pm Jez but I’m unsure if you’re receiving them as it is not coming up on my “Sent” folder. Just in case you didn’t:

The gf is looking for a new board, she’s around 5"6-5"7 and weighs 60kgs. She’s been riding a good 7 years, currently riding some sort of a Roxy cambered board. She wants to start to be able to ride park, switch, presses and little jumps. Will be mainly riding in Aus but also do trips to Japan. I just recently purchased the Yes Typo and she likes a similar board to do that, all mountain board with a nice soft flex. What would you recommend? smile

Apologies in advance if you did receive my pm wink


Yes Emoticon would probs be pretty similar from what I’ve read/heard, one of the shop girls I know rides one and loves it, think she even whipped it out in Japan.

My GF is slightly shorter/lighter and currently rides a Salomon Gypsy 143cm and loves it, maybe have a look for one in a longer size like a 147 for Aus and Japan?

Franchise - 29 June 2015 03:07 PM

Thanks for the info guys, practice does make perfect!

I’ve sent you a pm Jez but I’m unsure if you’re receiving them as it is not coming up on my “Sent” folder. Just in case you didn’t:

The gf is looking for a new board, she’s around 5"6-5"7 and weighs 60kgs. She’s been riding a good 7 years, currently riding some sort of a Roxy cambered board. She wants to start to be able to ride park, switch, presses and little jumps. Will be mainly riding in Aus but also do trips to Japan. I just recently purchased the Yes Typo and she likes a similar board to do that, all mountain board with a nice soft flex. What would you recommend? smile

Apologies in advance if you did receive my pm wink

Hey mate,

I did receive it and I replied. Did you get my reply? Please let me know if you didn’t.


Does anyone know what Gnu replaced the Park Pickle with. Is the Park Pickle now the Smart Pickle?