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Daily snow video’s


This might make it easier to understand…


very good image jer, really allows people to visualize proper alignment.

Spaz- notice how sometimes when chop comes your way (esp on your toeside edge), you seem to get bucked around (thrown off) the edge? This new proper alignment Jeremy is pushing will distribute MORE pressure down onto your edge by getting all your body weight in the correct places. This will GREATLY increase your stability, you’ll feel like a new rider!

A good trick for doing this (although this REALLY focuses on lower body steering, and sometimes makes your lower body TOO quiet) is to actually grab your riding pants just above your middle part of your thighs when you’re either riding straight line, or between turns, This will force you to re-align your body and give you a sense of a ‘home’ body position. the biggest problem for me when teaching corrected counter rotation is students over exaggerating what I’m saying and actually CLOSING their body to the hill moreso than needed. My roommate taught me this alignment method and can do all 4 360s (fs bs etc) on a flat with his pants grabbed. Goes to show what alot of lower body training will do, and when he spins off lips he RARELY has to counter rotate or “pre wind” to get his spins to come around… something for new / intermediate / experienced riders to try!



I’m am aware of this and know it is incorrect! Could it have something to do with my binding angles/stance? I have always imagined holding a broom handle under my butt with both hands, I fall into bringing my hand across my body when I’m in a difficult situation or going fast, tucking in, like in hard boots. I showed a old pro boarder (one of Australia’s first, well known, boarders) a photo of me doing this, coming into the ‘milk run’ during the end of the Top 2 Bottom, he said it showed good weight transfer over my front foot. Since his comment I haven’t worried as much about it but I feel it’s wrong.

As I said, I am always aware and correcting this posture (every run for years), there must be something “forcing”  me into this, any idea’s? Tomorrow I’m going to set my back binding at a greater angle and see if that helps.

This is likely to be the reason I’m not feeling confident to launch some decent air, my weight doesn’t feel centered!


In the images I notice the boarder has a definite duck stance, I normally have my back foot at 2-4 degrees, front 12-15. When I was learning I had the back at 10-12 and only developed this problem when I started speeding up and reducing the angle.


Duck stance is definately worth trying. I have noticed you like to ride switch in your videos and duck stance will help that also. That is me in the photos - I use angles around 15 to 18 on the front, and -12 to -15 on the back.

I think there is more to it than just your stance, but I am really curious to see if it helps. You need to be thinking about it all the time… keep your back hand tucked behind you! Even try what shredlife suggested, it’s a really good exercise. Hold your back hand onto your jacket or pants and keep it there! Concentrate on staying aligned a balanced over your snowboard, using all joints… ankles, knees, hips, shoulders… all aligned. When you are going straight, aim your upper body in a straight line down the slope, like an arrow.

Try putting more angle on your back foot and let us know if it helps. Either way I will catch up with you soon and we can try a few exercises to work on it.


I watched the video again before going to sleep and can see it throwing my balance, I can see that grabbing my pants as shredlife said will pull my posture up. I fell asleep more excited than usual about getting on the snow.

Maybe years of carrying a 3kg camera while boarding developed the problem, or a pack full of gear.. whatever, I’m stoked to have it pointed out and be able to correct it.

It gets to me when I see boarders with incorrect technique and as mentioned I do board with a talented mob, I can’t believe no one mentioned it!
Then again I’m always carrying a camera but not anymore.

Thanks rider, (and shredlife)


No problem spaz. How did it go today?



I was so keen to get sliding and try it out, Changed binding angles while waiting for the lift to open. The second I began moving I grabbed my pants, negotiated the icy run into the bluff easily and by the time time I reached the wind blown was turning with confidence, hand free from pants. I kind of hang my hand out the back now, like I’m waving away a bottom burp. After lunch I met up with Banger for a run, there was barely a moment I let my arm come forward (I hope).

Todays vid looked like someone else was riding my board! It’s a pity bootcam on the nose and headcam both failed on the first 2 runs. I haven’t even checked the footage from with Banger yet. He got footage of me, but bought the camera and has kept the video. I hope he puts it up so we can see if I did improve.

Tomoz the front foot gets another degree (+18), the back is going to -15.


yeah man the pant grab is more of a guideline, but its a great guideline because its something static taht you can relate to while blasting down the hill… For all you experienced freestyle riders out there, try spinning your flat 360s on cattrack with your pants grabbed… it forces you to only spin with your knees and is real tough..


Hey spaz,

That’s great to hear you improved. You can’t ask for more than improvement. A lot of things take time to become automatic, but if your body is starting to feel what it is doing, that is the first step. I’m really stoked you felt the difference. Counter-rotation is so important to eliminate from your riding… I think you will find your balance, turns, and top speed start improving dramatically. When you are going straight down the hill, pretend your body is an arrow, front hand pointing directly down the hill, and back hand pointing 180 degrees in the opposite direction. Keep working on it, keep us posted, and looking forward to catching up with you in Thredbo.

I’m sure Banger will post some video when he gets back on here.


yeah got back last night…had a few runs with spaz…was all time!!! speaking of which, spaz did you get any good footage form behind me of that run back to friday flat? i’d like to see the section on that long cat track!!!


Haha looks like you guys have some footage swapping to do…

Didn’t surprise me that you bought the camera either wink


i am seriously going to talk this thing up! i spent 20 mins talking to the owner at belrose bicycles about it…. it was sooooo good to use. i have not even reviewed all the footage yet from the weekend. better get to it!


I really can’t wait to use one… I have big plans too!

spaz, how much are you selling them for?


I have really enjoyed reading this thread! The tips for spaz have been great and I think I can gain lots from them too. I can now appreciate the value in getting footage of yourself riding to progress. Rider, do you by any chance do lessons at Thredbo?