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The Lift Line ~ 20/10/10 ma humps


Morning kids!

Back to work, urghhhhhhh.

Epic last couple of days! Been in Brisvegas, “M” stood for Monday, Movieworld, Metallica… Mayhem!

What’s been happening?


Morning, yeah what Mizu said, just the usual


Yup, Average day.. tho yesterday finally got my Korn tickets -  Come On Dec4 COMEONCOMEONCOMEON



At the dr for my check up now, by this arvo we’ll know if it will be a skier or boarder and whether to go ahead with the abortion. wink


Hahahaha, thats funny spaz !!!


Morning all!

interesting start to the morning for me. Decided to ride to work and take advantage of the good weather and extra sun light and on the way got attacked by a german sheppard and a rottie!  I rode past this mother and her little kids (guessing 4-5yr olds) and then heard barking and a scream and looked back to see what was going on and the shepard had charged at the kid. I rode back to make see if they were ok, and the dogs turned on me and chased me (caught me in no time) and started barking and nipping at my heels. I jumped off my bike and stayed behind it and they kept coming at me, but then a car who was there when the dog went at the kid came up and the dogs left. The guy in the car had been following them around while on the phone to the council and he followed them round the corner.
Im not having much luck lately when i go for bike rides!


Hey guys,

Another crazy day here…

The wedding is only a few days away and everyone is hustling to get everything done.

I turned on my MacBook Pro for the first time yesterday and loaded CS5. So stoked to be travelling with a good computer, I’m really looking forward to getting creative and getting better at editing.

Today I am packing up all the last prizes to send out to you guys. My mum will be taking care of the inventory while I am away, so we can continue running contests right through summer, mainly for the skate section.

That’s about it, just got back from a run in the park with Chilli, had breakfast with a friend of ours, ready to get into a long day of work, followed by a good session of Yoga this evening.

Have a good one everyone! smile


Ha, feels good to turn on a mac doesn’t it?

Mizu Kuma - 20 October 2010 01:53 AM

I bet that ya don’t really mind the Magpies after that K2????

u dunno, i had no way of counter attacking the birds. If the dogs grabd onto me id start fighting back, wrestling punching and biting their ears off…...a bit evil, but to defend myself only!

I love dogs as well, where ive always hated magpies!


Ok, anyone in here use a business accounting software on their Mac?
I sadly have to keep one stupid PC in the office to run Quickbooks. I downloaded the USA / Can trial version for Mac, which ROCKS!!! No version in Australia yet.

I am not sure what hiccups I will get with BAS and ATO systems if I try to run my books on it.

Anyone used anything else or know if I can get the NoHo version to work for me? I only need it for basic invoices, tracking & BAS.


I bought MYOB for mac. After trying it for a couple of weeks found it useless - it must be my lack of university degree!

If you want it I’ll send it to you. It’s buried somewhere, I feel like I wasted a heap of money, if it gets used I wont feel so bad.

I just found it easier to make up my own spreadsheet.

spaz - 19 October 2010 10:32 PM


At the dr for my check up now, by this arvo we’ll know if it will be a skier or boarder and whether to go ahead with the abortion. wink

Good and bad news;
It’s a surfer, with a disposition for skiing!

Doc says at such an early stage of development there is a treatment available to correct this unfortunate malformation.

rider26 - 20 October 2010 01:58 AM

Today I am packing up all the last prizes to send out to you guys.


spaz - 20 October 2010 03:01 AM

I bought MYOB for mac. After trying it for a couple of weeks found it useless - it must be my lack of university degree!

If you want it I’ll send it to you. It’s buried somewhere, I feel like I wasted a heap of money, if it gets used I wont feel so bad.

I just found it easier to make up my own spreadsheet.

That’s why they have trial software smile - just saying.


call me a cupid stunt.


Can someone please do me a favour and check if you can still change your screen name - it should be locked now.