The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Hey guys,
Just something I noticed today. When in the forums, the “Log In” button doesn’t seem to work. Isn’t a small login window meant to pop up? I had to open it in a new tab in order to log in.
Hey guys,
Just something I noticed today. When in the forums, the “Log In” button doesn’t seem to work. Isn’t a small login window meant to pop up? I had to open it in a new tab in order to log in.
Thanks for the feedback, mate.
We noticed something weird like that happen on iPad landscape view yesterday, which we will fix.
Which device, orientation, and browser were you using when you noticed this problem?
Hey bro,
I was on my work PC using Google Chrome. I also tried IE just to see if it was my browser, and it did the same thing.
I should have checked if it was some sort of pop-up setting on my PC.
Thanks. Will look into it.
Hey, not sure if it’s been mentioned yet but here goes:
When in the store, specifically in the “Snow” section but I imagine is the same elsewhere, filtering by brand doesn’t seem to work. Example - select “Yes Snowboards” from the dropdown menu under the “Brand” heading, and it seems to ignore it and will instead just show every brand’s products, in the order in which you selected, eg A-Z.
Hey, not sure if it’s been mentioned yet but here goes:
When in the store, specifically in the “Snow” section but I imagine is the same elsewhere, filtering by brand doesn’t seem to work. Example - select “Yes Snowboards” from the dropdown menu under the “Brand” heading, and it seems to ignore it and will instead just show every brand’s products, in the order in which you selected, eg A-Z.
Thanks for pointing this out. Investigating this issue. Will get it fixed.
Until this is sorted, the better way to do this is go to the brands page: — then click whatever brand you want to browse
For example:
Smiley Window not centered in portrait!!!!!
Safari, iPhone 6!!!!!
Checkout through zipmoney works fine.
Couple issues I am finding with design that is driving me a tad insane
In green, I have highlighted a thread that has a new post since my last visit, and one that I have previously read and has nothing new in it. Why are both threads bold? This is super confusing and equally frustrating, I find myself rereading stuff I have already seen a day or so ago.
In red, why is the posted metadata sometimes grey, sometimes blue? No huge flaw here, just wondering really!
(Jez I can email you that screenshot so you can see it more clearly if you’d like)
Couple issues I am finding with design that is driving me a tad insane
In green, I have highlighted a thread that has a new post since my last visit, and one that I have previously read and has nothing new in it. Why are both threads bold? This is super confusing and equally frustrating, I find myself rereading stuff I have already seen a day or so ago.
In red, why is the posted metadata sometimes grey, sometimes blue? No huge flaw here, just wondering really!
(Jez I can email you that screenshot so you can see it more clearly if you’d like)
I agree, very hard to easily distinguish new posts!!!!!
Also If you use the New Posts link, there’s no straight forward link to click in order to actually take you to the “New Post”!!!!!
The issue with the thread icons etc. will be fixed. Probably soon. It’s on the list. We are most likely going to revert back to the old icons etc. which I think worked very well. Thanks for the feedback (I agree with you).
Re: smileys window on mobile. Thanks for the feedback, Mizu. I have reported this issue to our developers.
Jenna, please email me a screenshot of the grey links issue. I actually haven’t seen that one myself. It shouldn’t be like that. Anyone else seeing this?
Hi ya,
I can’t see pics (multiple locations ie gear thread and the one above here)
Using Chrome on PC - both work and home PCs
scratch that couldn’t see the ones above at work (i did have a prob a few weeks ago nor on other sites)
Can see them now
but can’t see image on the audio technica thread
and i hate to harp on but every thing is still massive!
Threads seem to be loading weird on my work computer (using firefox)..
It fixes when I refresh the page though.
Also sections aren’t aligned. Again, I don’t recall having this problem on my laptop? (I can be quite vague though)