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Best Southern Hemisphere snow!?

Hi guys, Im looking at a season in the southern hemisphere - either Chile or NZ. Im leaning towards Chile as its a little more off the map in terms of snowboarding - but it’s tricky getting unbiased comments from riders that have been to both countries. Any ideas welcomed, Dave


Welcome to Boardworld, Dave. shaka

Before I clicked into the thread, my first thought was Chile. I haven’t been there but I have only heard great things about it (and seen awesome photos/videos). I’ve been to NZ, and it’s really cool, but if I had a chance to go shred in Chile, I would take it in a heartbeat! Travelling and snowboarding in South America would be such a great experience.



Here is the video that’s meant to be in Jeremy’s post.

rider26 - 12 May 2015 08:56 AM


geez nz is getting off to a good start this week. I reckon either us or them will get a huge storm in june. lets hope its us!


Wow thanks. Yeah Im psyched on Chile. I hear NZ is a great experience, but the snow hit n miss. Seems like I’ll have to get my Spanish up to scratch in the meantime! tongue laugh