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Looking for a new board


Hi guys I’m looking to get a new board I’m pretty new to the sport so I’m currently riding a Burton Clash 151 as it is a beginner to intermediate board, I’ve had it for a couple of seasons now and I’ve booked a trip to Japan for later in the year. The Clash has done me wonders for picking up the skills and absolutely love the board, I just want to upgrade because well I can, and snowboards are cool haha! Don’t like going fast lol, I would like a board that will let me do butters, little jumps, switch 180’s and eventually take it to the park and do some rails with ease smile . Going to Japan also so may need one with pow capabilities too? I weigh 75kgs and about 5"7-5"8. Your recommendations please good people? smile


Hey mate,

The Clash is really good entry-level board, so I understand your positive experience with it. But there’s always a time to move on… wink

Based on what you said, you’re looking for versatility. I say “versatility” a lot but it’s really important to have a board that can handle everything from waist deep pow in Japan, to park laps in Australia — if that’s what you want.

You definitely want some rocker in the board for Japan (it really does just make the board float so much better). My suggestion would be a hybrid profile… and a board like the YES Typo would be a great board to handle the next stage of your progression. It’s a versatile board, great value price-wise, it’s going to float well in Japan, and it kills it on groomers/park too. Rocker in the nose and tail makes it perfect to butter, press, and learn new tricks on — and it gives you float in powder. While camber between the feet give you stability, edging performance, and pop. It also has UnderBite edges for a bit of extra grip on ice.

The 2016 model is shown below (I tested it on-snow a couple of month ago and it rode very nicely). All YES boards come with a lifetime warranty (only brand to offer this). RRP is $650. Member price is $575 (with free shipping). All 2016 YES boards are due to arrive VERY soon. I would put you on the 155. Good all-round size for your specs.

It’s the 2nd board from the left:

The Jackpot (yellow board on the far left) is another board worth considering, but slightly more geared towards the park (it’s a true twin). Also comes in $30 more expensive than the Typo.

Franchise - 15 April 2015 09:50 AM

Don’t like going fast lol

You do. You just don’t realise it yet. cool grin

In snowboarding, speed is your friend (honestly).


The YES boards above would suit you well, I think anything rocker-camber-rocker would be ideal.

As an alternative, the Salomon Villain or Assassin would be good choices. The Villain is a powder friendly park board, and the Assassin is a park friendly all mountain/powder board. They both have a similar profile, the Assassin is just a bit beefier.

Phedder - 15 April 2015 01:07 PM

The YES boards above would suit you well, I think anything rocker-camber-rocker would be ideal.

I agree. I’m a big fan of CamRock profiles. They are versatile and perform very well in all conditions. A great choice if you want a board to do it all.


Cheers for the info guys really appreciate it! Will definitely look into it!

You mentioned about membership price that was a little cheaper than normal RRP rider26, where can you order/buy these boards from?


You can purchase directly from Boardworld.

Two options:

Wait until the new website and store launches next month (aiming for early May).


Get in touch with me directly now and we can get your order happening immediately. PM or email me: jeremy(at)


Just reading posts regarding yes typo and jackpot.
I am keen to purchase either but was after a bit of advice first.
I have been riding a gnu riders choice 154 and previously uninc 154. I really enjoyed riding the uninc most and I am trying to find something similar again.
Riding 50/50 park and freestyle. I have always ridden true twins and not sure how noticeable the difference is with a directional twin? would appreciate any advice you can give.


The typo is more all mountain and the jackpot is more park orientated.

I have rode more than 1 Jackpot and it’s my favourite board. Enough float in pow to work but great in the park.

tylnol - 04 May 2015 07:17 AM

Just reading posts regarding yes typo and jackpot.
I am keen to purchase either but was after a bit of advice first.
I have been riding a gnu riders choice 154 and previously uninc 154. I really enjoyed riding the uninc most and I am trying to find something similar again.
Riding 50/50 park and freestyle. I have always ridden true twins and not sure how noticeable the difference is with a directional twin? would appreciate any advice you can give.

Welcome to Boardworld, tylnol. shaka

Haha I was actually riding my Uninc 154 today (which is about to be retired). Such a great board, I’ve been riding it for years (check my avatar)!

If you want something very similar to the Uninc, I would actually suggest the TDF. The TDF is a true twin and full camber (modern camber), almost exactly like the Uninc. However if you want to move to CamRock (camber between the feet, rocker in the nose and tail), I would suggest the Greats. This is most likely the board I will be riding next season. It’s a true twin (with asymetrical sidecut), CamRock profile, and fairly aggressive (more so than the Typo or Jackpot), and most like the Uninc out of all the baords with Camrock. I find it rides very similar to the Uninc, with a bit more play in the nose and tail. The other option would be the Jackpot; true twin again, CamRock, no asym sidecut and a slightly more mellow flex than the Greats, and more rocker in the nose and tail as well.

Do you want to stick to full camber or do you want to get on CamRock?

Full camber: go for the TDF
CamRock: Greats or Jackpot (Jackpot being a more mellow ride)

Let me know if you want further info on any of these boards.

TDF is second from the right.

The Greats (each size is dedicated to a different snowboarding legend, with different graphics)

The Greats range


Cheers for the response.
Thanks for all the info, alot to take in haha.
I like the sound of the Greats! be good to give the cam rock and and asym a go.
What is the price of the Greats?


The Greats is an amazing board. It was honestly the best board I tested at SIA and one of the best boards I’ve ever ridden. I also tested it for a further five days at Whistler Blackcomb in all conditions about a month ago, so I’ve logged a decent amount of time riding it. The asymmetrical sidecut works incredibly well when you’re carving. Any further questions, ask away…

RRP: $779.95

As a Boardworld member, you will receive a 10% discount and free shipping.

Feel free to email me directly if there’s anything you want to order: jeremy(at)


Or try a dc ply for half the price, stiffen it up with a mega or go full camber with the MLF, I would be super keen to jump on an MLF but the sizing doesn’t suit me. Got really good write ups the MLF as a park board that for some reason works everywhere even in powder.

Hoping to get to a demo day and have a go on a Yes greats at some point this season, I have come to the conclusion I prefer cam rock profiles and think the assym side cut is a good feature. Still want to try the Rome mod rocker as well.

Hope I confused the issue even more ha ha ha.


They don’t have the MLF (it’s called Hell City this season) anymore next season according to the catalog.


Heya Mate,

Just got a YES Basic from Boardworld and in love with the board already and haven’t even had a chance to take it onto the snow. I did a lot of research and watched countless youtube reviews and videos on the board. Not to mention spoke with the wonderful people who have already thrown some suggestions your way above. The YES range would be ideal for you, I feel the Basic is a great board for beginners/intermediate just from what I have heard and is priced very well, not to mention that warranty.

So I am another person throwing my vote towards the YES range.

Shoeless - 20 May 2015 03:12 PM

Heya Mate,

Just got a YES Basic from Boardworld and in love with the board already and haven’t even had a chance to take it onto the snow. I did a lot of research and watched countless youtube reviews and videos on the board. Not to mention spoke with the wonderful people who have already thrown some suggestions your way above. The YES range would be ideal for you, I feel the Basic is a great board for beginners/intermediate just from what I have heard and is priced very well, not to mention that warranty.

So I am another person throwing my vote towards the YES range.

Just wait till you get it on the snow wink