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Lift Line~Mon


To all the workers and students who keep the rat race flowing I say good morning from my bed.

I too have to get up and do something - my wireless keyboard’s batteries have gone flat.

I might even shave today.


Gee thanks spaz !!!!!!!!

We have one of those jobs you just don’t want to do, today.
Oh well, sooner we get started, sooner we are finished.


Morning all.. 3rd last Monday for me in my current job so it’s not all bad news… would rather be at home trying to work out how to use my new macbook haha


Good morning everyone.

Slow start this morning after a hectic weekend…

Went shopping on Saturday, followed by sister’s fiancĂ©e’s bucks day/night. Got home at 4am, woke up at 9am and took Chilli for a walk. Somehow ended up playing soccer with all the kids in the street under the hot sun for an hour. Then drove out to Camden for my aerobatic flying lesson. So much fun, so intense, we experienced 4 Gs. I actually flew the plane about 60% of the time. We did loops, barrel rolls, cork screws, stalls, spins… it was unreal! Funny story, so I get there and it turns out the pilot taking me for the lesson… he stayed at my house in Whistler two seasons ago, I even have him on Facebook. We recognised each other as soon as I walked in. Anyway, he filmed the whole session on his GrpPro HD and he is sending me the video for free. I’ll post on Vimeo as soon as I get it. Then went out for dinner with some friends in Cronulla.

Weekend over.


Just got up, still tired after a nice 9 hour sleep.

I spent 45 minutes trying to remember how I got into bed confused

Mizu Kuma - 17 October 2010 11:52 PM

So, just ya average, run of the mill weekend then rider????

Look forward to seein the footage!!!!

Yeah it wasn’t bad. wink

Hopefully I’ll receive the DVD before I leave for Canada. Can’t wait to check it out myself!

Cupid Stunt - 18 October 2010 12:51 AM

I spent 45 minutes trying to remember how I got into bed confused



.....what happend on the weekend? Dont remember much sick  all i know it was massive,  i kayaked on a flooded river wich was fun, nearly got killed when some random crazy chik drove us home from a pub at 5am, felt sik all sunday and decided too late that it was a bad idea to watch Resident Evil in 3D when you are still wasted/hungover. Im actually glad to be back at work away from booze!


morning all. back to school for the start of week 2 of my 2.5 week block. No idea how people teach full-time, ever! I’m so tired & I only did one week! haha. I really enjoy my job but I can’t wait til wednesday next week when its all over & I head to the goldy the next day for our soccer team trip away!

Mizu Kuma - 18 October 2010 01:10 AM
K2_SnatchCrewSader - 18 October 2010 01:01 AM

nearly got killed when some random crazy chik drove us home from a pub at 5am!

You weren’t in the boot of that car that was on the news this mornin???

maybe, what happend there? Because i cant remember properly what happened to me. I do have memories of something to do with cops, she was a crazy driver going over the nature strip and gutters, i was in the back (dont think boot but cant remember), i was getting thrown a round and have bruises on my legs, and i was genuinely fearing for my life

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 18 October 2010 01:36 AM
Mizu Kuma - 18 October 2010 01:10 AM
K2_SnatchCrewSader - 18 October 2010 01:01 AM

nearly got killed when some random crazy chik drove us home from a pub at 5am!

You weren’t in the boot of that car that was on the news this mornin???

maybe, what happend there? Because i cant remember properly what happened to me. I do have memories of something to do with cops, she was a crazy driver going over the nature strip and gutters, i was in the back (dont think boot but cant remember), i was getting thrown a round and have bruises on my legs, and i was genuinely fearing for my life


One of those crazy nights huh? downer


Yeh definatly was! Moral of the story, Dont get in cars with strangers!
Just read the news item Mizu, and no wasnt me. Though i been guilty of being in a boot before. But stoppped doing it as it is so dangerous and silly!