The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Ståle Sandbech
TJ, no disrespect intended, but I think this is the best thing you’ve ever posted. I want this as a screen saver..
TJ, no disrespect intended, but I think this is the best thing you’ve ever posted. I want this as a screen saver..
Cmon, After almost 9000 posts I feel like I’ve put a few decent ones up…
it’d make a pretty sick little avitar, or if you could use .gifs on FB cover photo.
Facebook friend having a moment this morning…......
Things that make me want to become a MORNING drinker.
1. A PREGNANT huntsman spider in my HOUSE
2. A PREGNANT huntsman spider in my house that resists the poison of HALF a can of crawling insect kill spray.
3. A PREGNANT huntsman spider in my house that won’t die and instead chooses to FUCK with me by crawling all over my most prized books, DVD’s (yep I’m that insane dickhead who still purchases DVD’s and refuses to move on to blue-rays) .
4. A PREGNANT hutsman (or should that be huntswoman seeing as it’s with evil spawn children), tat refuses to die, crawls on the shit I like and further fucks with me by crawling all over the brand-related toys such as my daweoo dog, my angry birds lime green pig and a weird fucking skeleton toy someone gave me at some stage and makes it look like it’s fucking dancing.
5. A PREGNANT huntsWOMAN spider (the sisterhood can get fucked well and truly on this one) that I’m battling to the fucking death - at this point it’s either that bitch or me and I love my landlord too much to burn down the FUCKING HOUSE.
6. A FUCKING SPIDER - fuck its breed, it’s gender and it’s current with child status, it’s fucking in my house and my love of my landlord is a big factor but even more so are the FOUR men asleep in my house two human, two four legged)- how the fuck have they not woken up and come out to watch or film this bullshit - I mean seriously, I’ve called this thing a fucking arsehole, used the C word repeatedly on it, you name it I’ve uttered, yelled and screamed it….. The repeated use of ‘DIE YOU ..... (insert varying colourful swear words) at very loud volume.
6A. How the ever loving FUCK are those four men till asleep???
6.B. No wait, I think I heard one of them do that high-pitched howl-laugh that ppl do when they’re laughing hardcore but don’t want to be heard.
6C. The menfolk are lucky I’ve run out of death-spray and have shit aim because I’m now more pissed off.
7. Thank FUCK it’s finally dying…. my can of kill spray is emptied and the only reason I didn’t throw the fucking can at it is I didn’t want to induce it into giving birth to the hell spawn it was carrying.
8. Ok so yeah that scared me but also I was terrified the fucking thing would throw the can back…
9. I am now awake.
10. I need a fucking drink…..and my housemate and one of the furkids are highly amused. The other two are still fucking asleep, I would’ve filmed this bullshit for proof cause most of you think I’m lying but it wouldn’t be able to be uploaded to youtube because of the high level colourful and profane language, that and I wasn’t leaving that sneaky fucker alone and out of my sight so it could wipe the death spray off its body and hide in my shoes or in a box of shit I haven’t looked at in a year but am sure I will need to dig around in TODAY.
P.S. if any of you fucking pro-spider ass-fuck people tell me I should’ve just let it be, you can all get fucked. My mother had a saying - My house, my dick out. Well… I don’t know about my mother, but I don’t have a dick, but you get what it means.
TJ, no disrespect intended, but I think this is the best thing you’ve ever posted. I want this as a screen saver..
Cmon, After almost 9000 posts I feel like I’ve put a few decent ones up…
I felt bad, like really shamefully bad, as I had let a mate down, and no one ever would do that. I especially wouldn’t have brought that apon someone That only haz 8333 posts.
Little grom shreds better than me! xD haha
This is really cool. A step in the right direction.
That is awesome
The Bank of Canada has said that it is not illegal to deface or mutilate banknotes.
<center><h1>>>> WATCH HERE <<<</h1></center>
Now I know where Mizu’s been…