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Here’s my vid on finding YOUR own stance width. Basically, by testing how your board feels if you purposely try riding it with going both too narrow, and too wide, you’ll gain some perspective of the limitations of both, and might end up liking a stance that is either narrower or wider than you are currently on.
From my own experience.. years ago I stuck with my EXACT same stance when I moved up from a 151 to a 156.. and my style suffered cuz of it… here’s video for proof:
I’m not recommending that everyone needs to try this out… but we have all seen some pretty damn awful stances out there… so hopefully it can help them find a stance that works better for em.
sweet riding there mate. LOL @ the music though.
Hey Ryan!
Nice to see you on the forums!
Have to say a fan of your videos, especially your “how to really really really carve” vid helped push me to the next level, and I’ve been watching and learning from them since.
Hey Ryan!
Nice to see you on the forums!
Have to say a fan of your videos, especially your “how to really really really carve” vid helped push me to the next level, and I’ve been watching and learning from them since.
Totally agreed!!
My jaw drops at your flatland ability!
You’re one of the main reasons I learnt to butter and to nose roll - watching your videos I just had to try it.. Then found your tutorial which was a massive help!!
Welcome to BW!
^ HAHA! You learnt exactly what I did via his vids! =)
Plus the carving, =)
Watching this, maybe my bindings are too far apart hahaha.
^ but if it works, then it works.
No “right way” to do snerberding other than get the basics right.
I was a bit nervous when I saw the title of this thread (hey, there’s a lot of garbage on the internet), but then I saw RyanKnapton posted it and I knew it would be good.
As I’ve always said: experementation is key to finding your perfect stance.
Great stuff, mate. On point as always. Good to see you back on the forums again!
^ LOL I had the same initial reaction.
IMHO too many ppl passing opinion off as fact.