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Random Facts


have you ever read something in a book or under a bottle cap and wanted 2 share it with every1?? well this is the tread to do it…

do u no that the right kidney is lower then the left because it sits under the liver


Did you know an Elephant can throw a baseball faster than a human being?


did you know that 1 in every 12 people are born with an extra rib….... weird


A toaster uses almost half as much energy as a full-sized oven


A cockroach can live without its head for a week…......


Did you mean chook or chicken?
One was kept alive for +4 years without it’s head by putting food and water in the hole left. It travelled around USA in a freak show or somthin

I got so much random fact in my head. What I don’t know I make up.
It’s hard to tell the difference because I can never remember where I picked up the info and happily let the facts be altered in place of telling a good story.


A frozen lake has more energy than a boiling kettle.

Tomatoes have the highest source of MSG in nature.

Humans only use 10-30% of their potential muscle strength.

Einstein failed maths.


Hippopotamuses pass gas through their mouths


Bats always turn left when exiting a cave


It takes just one ounce of celery seeds to produce an acre of celery


99% of Random Facts are made up on the spot smile


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Did you know that mizu has more hair on his chest than his head…...

Warren Chapstick - 18 October 2010 09:45 AM

Did you know that mizu has more hair on his chest than his head…...

fact not fiction


The owl is the only bird to drop its upper eyelid to wink. All other birds raise their lower eyelids