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What’s your latest purchase?

h0z - 08 January 2015 12:09 PM

Nice!! I have 3 dslrs!! Haha they are another expensive hobby. But they can be very rewarding..  Currently saving for my next lens.. (Canon EF 24-70 f/2.8 USM II ) its a nice $2,400!!

It is crazy expensive isn’t it! I have a Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USM which I bought a few years back for sports photography. It rocks!


I haven’t touched my camera in just over 12 months. Feeling quite bad about it actually. I have a few nice lenses just sitting there. EF 70-200mm f/4L USM & EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM among others.

Actually had a case of the guilts and considered selling it all recently, but couldn’t bring myself to do it. Plus the airshow is coming up next month, and that’s my fav thing to shoot, so I’ll definitely pull it out for that.


The smaller lens I have is a Canon 18-55mm, from my EOS 400D. The autofocus no longer works :( I don’t have the best eyesight for using manual focus so this must go. But what to replace it with?

And do I take my 7D to Europe with me!?!

blizzard_22 - 08 January 2015 03:42 PM

The smaller lens I have is a Canon 18-55mm, from my EOS 400D. The autofocus no longer works :( I don’t have the best eyesight for using manual focus so this must go. But what to replace it with?

And do I take my 7D to Europe with me!?!

If you’re looking for something better than the kit lens, but don’t want to fork out for one of the more expensive Canon lenses, maybe look at something like the Sigma 17-50 EX DC OS? Great little lens around the same focal length, and pretty well priced too. Really depends on what other lenses you have in your kit though.

I’d take the 7D. I’ve taken mine OS before, but I took my whole kit, and it was a massive pain. If I was to take it again, I’d just take my 17-50 and 70-200.


A whole bunch of sandbox lids!!

h0z - 08 January 2015 12:09 PM

Canon EF 24-70 f/2.8 USM II ) its a nice $2,400

We hired on of those for a photo gig we had, that is one sexy lens!!!!!

You should buy two and give us one to look after kiss

blizzard_22 - 08 January 2015 03:22 PM

It is crazy expensive isn’t it! I have a Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USM which I bought a few years back for sports photography. It rocks!

We have that lens in the 2.8, great bit of kit, pity its so bloody heavy.

blizzard_22 - 08 January 2015 03:42 PM

The smaller lens I have is a Canon 18-55mm, from my EOS 400D. The autofocus no longer works :( I don’t have the best eyesight for using manual focus so this must go. But what to replace it with?

And do I take my 7D to Europe with me!?!

YES!!!! take it for sure. We have two 7D’s and a 50D. Mini Shred got a 100D for her birthday last year. We now take one 7D and the 100D for vids with a shit load of lenses, covers everything.

Our fav lens would be the 70 - 200, but it shit itself :(



Got a pair of these mittens for the cold winter in Finland. They did the job well smile paws are still attached to my arms.

blizzard_22 - 08 January 2015 03:42 PM

And do I take my 7D to Europe with me!?!


Yes take it!

Get a new lens just before you go - Sigma is a good idea. And then claim the gst back!


Take the 7D to europe!!!! if you don’t you’ll regret it. even if you get a different lens, say the 18-135 or the 18-200 kit version, it will be worth it!

Azz - 08 January 2015 07:34 PM
blizzard_22 - 08 January 2015 03:42 PM

The smaller lens I have is a Canon 18-55mm, from my EOS 400D. The autofocus no longer works :( I don’t have the best eyesight for using manual focus so this must go. But what to replace it with?

And do I take my 7D to Europe with me!?!

YES!!!! take it for sure. We have two 7D’s and a 50D. Mini Shred got a 100D for her birthday last year. We now take one 7D and the 100D for vids with a shit load of lenses, covers everything.

Our fav lens would be the 70 - 200, but it shit itself :(


the 18-200 shit itself, not the 70-200. The 18-200 might have had a bit of help from me on a couple of occasions, once dropped in sand on the beach and another dropped off a bar at MONA. No wonder it doesn’t go anymore. Kit lens, very versatile, and <$500 so not too tragic.


Tills - 08 January 2015 03:58 PM
blizzard_22 - 08 January 2015 03:42 PM

The smaller lens I have is a Canon 18-55mm, from my EOS 400D. The autofocus no longer works :( I don’t have the best eyesight for using manual focus so this must go. But what to replace it with?

And do I take my 7D to Europe with me!?!

If you’re looking for something better than the kit lens, but don’t want to fork out for one of the more expensive Canon lenses, maybe look at something like the Sigma 17-50 EX DC OS? Great little lens around the same focal length, and pretty well priced too. Really depends on what other lenses you have in your kit though.

I’d take the 7D. I’ve taken mine OS before, but I took my whole kit, and it was a massive pain. If I was to take it again, I’d just take my 17-50 and 70-200.

That is what I was thinking, taking a smaller lens and the camera body. I did think about Sigma, so will definitely have a look at them! Do they fit Canon or do you need an attachment?


Jenna.. Definitely take the 7D and take 1-2 lenses to cover a range focal lengths.. (this is why I’m getting the 24-70.. It will cover a decent range so can be my go to lens)

When I go on holidays (if I have room I take the whole kit.. (that’s 5 lenses 2 dslrs (one stays at home) and my speedlite) if I’m lacking space eg. Snow trips I take the 5D, and 2-3 lenses.. (usually the 10-20 which is a sigma* that’s been living on the camera lately as its awesome for landscapes. And either the 28 or the 50. And then my 75-300 which is my old kit lens - the 18-55 doesn’t fit the 5D as its a full frame and it came with the 1.6 crop camera (450D)

*The sigma will fit your camera. You just buy I for the brand you have (mine was brought for my 450D.. So when I put it on the 5D there was a massive vignette/ black edging with the image in a circle in the middle - like a circular fish eye - so I just brought a 1.4x teleconverter (that’s like a mini lens that sits between the lens and the camera to add the crop in..) And now there id virtually no vignetting and for around $200 or so.. Its much cheaper than buying another lens - since the original already cost me close to $1000..  On the 7D its 1.3 crop iirc so it should be fine.. - you can always take it down to the camera store and ask if you could demo it on the camera… Just to be safe smile

On a side note.. My paddle came today!! Yeww!!  - pity I’m too sick and have SFA energy to go out for a paddle.. Couldn’t even stand in the shower yesterday.. So I doubt id even be able to inflate the board (its a hand pump - kind of like the cartoon tnt detonators - lol) let alone paddle around..


Jenna, you can definitely get the Sigma to suit your 7D. They are available with mounts to suit different camera bodies. Canon and Nikon for certain.

I have a 7D also, and have used it with mine and was very happy with it. I have the Tamron version, which is probably not quite as good.