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worst movies


what is the worst movie u have seen???

mine has 2 be the human centipede. cant believe i just sat through the entire movie such a waste of time


So many, so so many.

And so many that could have been good.

There was that one about the tourists that are abducted to have their organs removed - that was a bad movie I watched all the way through.
Most I just don’t bother with and turn off or fall asleep.

HARRY POTTER!!!!!!! argh it was awful - every single one, why did I do that to myself, why did they do that to the world.


Swimfan would be up there…


I cant remember most of the bad ones ive seen, but there is a lot! I have a bad habit of just picking random movies off the shelf sayin “Ill take a leap of faith, it could be alright!” 9/10 times its terrible. But 1/10 roughly are ripper movies I come across.


Mine is bad boy buby…... Yukkkkkkkkkkkk is pretty bad


The west side story and I watched it at mizu house….... Sad that he own that movie and that I seen bits of it…..


HAHA! I think Bad Boy Bubby and Trainspotting are great films! (but yes, i still do think Bad Boy Bubby is quite disturbing)


I was most unfortunate to have paid to see Scary Movie

Warren Chapstick - 14 October 2010 10:05 PM

Mine is bad boy buby…... Yukkkkkkkkkkkk is pretty bad

Yeah that has to be up there as one of the worst. Although I did watch it over 10 years ago, I might feel differently now.

I thought Sex and the City was pretty bad too.


When I lose bets with Michelle, it usually end up with me having to watch a chick flick. I still owe her a viewing of The Notebook which I am dreading.

When I win, I make her watch horror movies!  shock


hey, I like trainspotting

The worst I’ve seen recently has to be the expendables. I swear I can’t understand a thing Stallone says

Mizu Kuma - 14 October 2010 10:37 PM


What the F#$@??? How did that piece of CRAP ever get a cult following???

Wash your mouth out Mizu, that is GOLD. Top piece of work that !!!!!!!!!!

Not a film, but something I would of thought is crap, but I have been watching Glee on DVD. There are some really funny stuff in that show.

Should I do the walk of shame now?  red face


Whats that? Mizu posted the above while on the way to DVD store to hire some quality watching?  tongue laugh


OK, lets flip this around HERE


My Friend Flicka, for all the horse lovers out there yuk!!!!!!!!!!!


the notebook, nothing worse then wen i girl makes u sit through that rubbish