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Lift Line ~ T.G.I.F


Morning folks,
Rain has set in here, just waiting for the wintery blast to hit. Just as I was starting to enjoy spring.


Morning mate, supposedly a bit of snow forecast for tomorrow morning too!


Good Morning everyone, same here looks like rain is setting in which kind of sucks but last few days have been awesome so can’t complain.

Have barely woken up and I’m at work but some good news in that our place for whistler has been organised, lease signed, deposit paid along with 1st months rent.. absolutely stoked that it’s all locked in, not to mention it’s a pretty cool townhouse in Benchalnds.


For me its not TGIF, it will be TGFIO (thank god friday is over) at 1130 tonight, when i get home from work. WIll be a 15hr day today downer
But i suppose its the weekend tomorro so thats good. Anyone got any exciting shananigans on tonight?
Yeh rain is dumping here too, and its pretty gusty as well. All you skaters and surfers prob hate it, but i quite like it because the rivers rise, rapids improve and river waves appear cool smirk hopefully ill get a paddle in tomorrow or Sunday, only problem is they are forcasting storms and hail, which i dont like abecause i dont want to get dints in my car!


Rain is no good for Surfers - they might get wet tongue rolleye

Pretty dreary out here in Sydney’s S’West as well. I was planning on welding some car parts today, going to the beach or doing some gardening. Looks like it’s an editing day for me.

Not so bad, my brain will be snowboarding as I work on the vidz.

It’s cool enough that I had to pull a hoodie out!

spaz - 14 October 2010 09:49 PM

Rain is no good for Surfers - they might get wet tongue rolleye

LOL see spaz, you are funny!

i spose some people mite like surfing in the rain. I would if it was warmer…...(and if i could actually surf)


Morin all,
My day has started shithouse, had to go for an induction and forgot me passport and some other papers. It cost 60 bucks and iv’e gotta do it again now and the boss is not a happy chappy…. Not looking good so far hope it gets better.


I think a lot of people confuse surfers with beach goers. Surfers are not normal, they like waves no matter what the weather is. It’s only in nice weather that people see them surf. On bad weather days no one is at the beach but surfers. Kind of a; “If it tree falls in the forest and no one hears it fall, does it make a sound?”, thought process.

I’m funny, maybe… but I can’t tell a joke! When I tell a joke most people reply with “I guess you had to be there, roll their eyes and move away slowly” [lol]


Facts Mizu,

Broken rivers and storm water runoff provide fresh water to help sharks clean their gills- they rarely feed there, where it mixes with the salt water is where other large fish will feed on a new food supply - further out from surf break.

‘Bull Sharks’ on the other hand (the most deadly shark to man) breed in fresh murky water so bigger sharks don’t eat the young. They are hungry after being up stream and are on the hunt for the large fish and fresh water species dying in the salt water and will blindly and viciously attack anything on the way out.

Your more likely to survive an attack by any other shark provided you don’t run out of blood. But not a Bull Shark attack!

Mizu Kuma - 14 October 2010 10:45 PM
spaz - 14 October 2010 10:42 PM

I’m funny, maybe… but I can’t tell a joke! When I tell a joke most people reply with “I guess you had to be there, roll their eyes and move away slowly” [lol]

Was that a joke then spaz??? ...................................................................................................  rolleyes

Walk away slowly Mizu, walk away!


Hahaha give it to him spaz… The facts dont lie mizu


You guys make me laugh tongue laugh
Started raing here about 5am, an apparently that plus wind, flooding, and maybe even some Canberran snow (is this a tease?)

Mizu Kuma - 14 October 2010 10:24 PM

K2 - them cheerleaders seem like they’re wearin ya down???

no cheer leaders mizu, but Scotty James (Oz olympic boarder) is one of our students! trying to find photos of him from the past 12 months atm


What a rubbish day to be out of the office for most of… Damned near shat my pants this morning when a power sub station in Heidelberg exploded not 5m from my car! Slightly disappointed that I wasn’t directly hit resulting in some form of superpower…

To make up for it, I went and got myself another saw as an early birthday present. A Stihl MS660 Magnum. Yes, that should do nicely.

In other news the Oakley Surf Report is telling me that it’s 7-8’ surf down the peninsular today, hope it holds out until tomorrow!

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 15 October 2010 01:44 AM

no cheer leaders mizu, but Scotty James (Oz olympic boarder) is one of our students! trying to find photos of him from the past 12 months atm

I thought you worked in an all girls school…


Yeh I do but he is at the boys campus and we have our sports night together