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Lift Line - Thursday


What a beautiful day, sunshine, birds singing air smells fresh and clean.


going to be a beautiful day, I’m already planning to leave early (as long as my clients are good and leave me alone!)


Heading coastal myself today, I can sense waves are crashing. Wear earplugs or jam bluetac in em, or else an ear infection might flare up from all that storm water.

Bluetac is the best ear plug! Tom Carroll told me so.


Had a nice sleep in - now i’m off to pick up my flight tickets and get some new supplies.


Overcast here, looks like more rain to come. Back to work for me


It’s beautiful here in Bondi too. If I didn’t have so much work to do I’d head to the beach for sure.


whatta beautiful day!
boyfriend’s car is in for a service so I dropped him at work & was therefore at school an hour early…so went to the beach, grabbed a coffee and the paper and sat in the sun reading for a bit…lovely way to start the day, I might start dropping him at work more often & save on some petrol for us both!

Best bit of today is this arvo I’m on “Learn to Surf” for school sport, but the actual teaching part is done by a local learn-to-surf school so I get paid to do the surfing but don’t have to do the teaching!!! How good is that?....Am wondering if I can therefore say that I’m a professional surfer?? I’d love to fill that in on an immigration form as my job hhaha

There is a little bit of swell around & it was offshore this morning so hopefully its still like that when I get down there in about 45mins! yeeeewwww!
If anyone sees an old gumby on a 10ft soft top down North Beach, wollongong this arvo, it’ll be me for sure! haha


Well like some of us mizu we have to work, everyone beers at mizu house 2nite…... Yer boy!!!!!


I heard one Mr Spaz yabbering to the Doctor on Triple J this arvo.


Lights are ON

I can even see a few booters and a rail or two


Lights are definately on for me! Im still at work, but in the lift line too.


Sounds like a double dipping to me wink


amongst other things…...........  rolleyes


yeh been working back late all this week and last because we have our annual Sports Awards Night tomorrow night. So basically me and the Head of Sport are flat chat trying to organise it all.

funny, cos we did actually have hip and aerobic classes on tonight next to my office


Triple J call

Oh yeah, I had just left the beach and the Doctor was yappin about scribbling phone numbers in the dirt and it reminded me of: so I called, by the time I was put through I was at the top of Bulli Pass, someone thought I was broken down (cause ph reception isn’t good up there I had to pull over) and they were trying to see if I needed help while I talked to the doctor.

I even planned on telling them my name was spaz but was driving when I was speaking to the producer and could barely hear over my engine.

So the story is:
I was shooting a ski race (stills) - [I always have my phone connected to my helmet for the iPod and to take/make calls hands free.]
Centerlink calls to tell me about their new ‘phone in’ system but I can’t take my hands off the camera as every 30s have to be ready to catch the moment a racer hits the gate.
They tell me I have to ring this number so I write it in the snow. - it took me a few goes as racers kept coming.
Danger was that where I was if a skier lost an edge the number would get wiped out. -hence wearing a helmet and staying alert
The Doctor realised at the end that I was working and receiving Centerlink benefits.
All good! I only get paid for what sells. -That day I laid there for 6 hrs shooting and only made about $150 over two days=10hrs work. That was the only income I had that fortnight. Worst thing is shooting into the sun without sunnies=retina burn and the evil headache that follows

I do get plenty of time to chat on the phone when shooting races though. I can just imagine the course officials thinking when I turn up. “oh boy here’s that crazy photographer that talks to himself all day-what a spaz!”