The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


New edits, new website..


Hey Everyone

So I’ve taken a second hiatus from these forums and am now back. I was up at my cottage painting all summer, in the backwoods of Ontario. That being said I had little internet access most of the time, but have managed to keep up with editing and filming skateing. Anyway I just pumped out a re-edit of Andy Reim’s park footage from last year, thought you might enjoy.

That being said, I’m launching a website @ to cover my whistler filming in the 2010/2011 season and beyond. Check back in a few days, should be up.

Look forward to posting here again, perhaps under a new alias soon?




Hey Ian, sick edit! Great work on getting your website up. I think it’s a really good idea and a great way to showcase your work.

I’ll be starting a Whistler 2010/11 thread before the start of the season, so I’m looking forward to having your input and videos in there. I’ll be in Whistler before the start of the season so I’ll see you soon! 

We have also enabled video embedding on the forums. Just use the Vimeo button or [vimeo] tags with the numbers after the .com/ (click ‘QUOTE’ to see how I did it).


Cool edit.

Andy Reim is a sick rail rider.


mate, i absolutely love your header on your site!

but then again im into that kind of art. kinda similar to stuff TJSchneider does.


oh and ‘May’ was a greeat video. goooood, good music. love it, keep tha style up! smile
lol i was NOT expecting the 1st song to be kid cudi haha


Great site,

As I’m updating mine and it is also heavy on video I was stoked to see what you’ve done. Very nice indeed.


Real nice site. Cool vid/edit too.