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Surfer/off topic. Help I have surfers ear!


Desperate plea for relief of current throbbing/ ache in my ear from surfing in Indo ( I know poor me).

But seriously I just for back from Sumbawa and am now stick in Bali unable to surf, hear or sit still without being in agony.

I have ear drops but language breakdown is a problem.

Home remedies PLEASE!!!


Oh no!  disappointed

Is it actually surfer’s ear? Have you been diagnosed? Seen a doctor?

Best remedy for now… protect your ear by any mean necessary.

Stellvadore - 02 September 2014 06:11 PM

Desperate plea for relief of current throbbing/ ache in my ear from surfing in Indo ( I know poor me).

But seriously I just for back from Sumbawa and am now stick in Bali unable to surf, hear or sit still without being in agony.

I have ear drops but language breakdown is a problem.

Home remedies PLEASE!!!

hey babe - hopefully you’ve seen this on fb already but go to bimc, bali international medical clinic.  Located in nusa dua and kuta. They have English speaking doctors and will treat you under your travel insurance if you have it. Who are you with if you do?  Go straight away hey.  Ears can get bad quick and you won’t be able to fly till its sorted.
Lemme know if ya need anything hey


Yeah, is it Surfers Ear, or water in the ear canal ya just can’t get rid of?????

If it’s water stuck in the ear canal, warm olive oil dripped into the canal until it’s full whilst layin down on the opposite side to the affected ear, then wait 10 mins or so, and empty it out!!!!! Holding absorbent tissue paper to the outside of the canal when emptyin the oil will help draw out most offending fluids!!!!!


Sounds more like an ear infection than surfers ear, im a bit of a subject matter expert having had many ear infections and both ears drilled out thanks to surfers ear. I think beachndigs is in the money, go get some sofradex or otodex prescribed and maybe some antibiotics if its middle ear and get it sorted asap, I know how painful it can be!


Thanks guys for replying… I got some drops from the doctor which have reduced the throbbing…

It’s been a week though and I still can’t hear and it’s echoing and painful… Looks like trip to a specialist.. eeek


Keep water out of your ears;
Blutac makes the best earplugs bar none!!!
(as recommended by Tom Carroll - Keeps water out during 20” Pipeline wipeouts)