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FYVE X BOARDWORLD Graphic Design Contest 2014

Tampons on a snowboard ????

You are hilarious tongue laugh


The Board is apart of a range of zodiac signs/Star Signs, so there would be multiple boards e.g.: Virgo, Aries but i have just shown Leo


Here’s my entry.  Kinda went with a space theme.


I hope the girls like this one


instagram ken_mincem


Bubble Gum Board


By Kylie Swindells


‘chicks get twisted too’
instagram - @mitchfra


Hey my name is Ashleigh, currently at Queensland Tafe on the Gold Coast!
This is my snowboard design, the top sheet starts heavy with bright colours and flowers which flows up towards the spine and lead your eyes to the base of the board where the skull is positioned. More bright colours and flowers catch your eye which direct a soft approach to the positioning of the brand FYVE.

All was hand drawn and are completely original.
Instagram @ashleighpaler


Yo, I’m Ryan and this is my snowboard design - female.



Hey I’m Ben,

Here is my female snowboard design.

The board design has a minimalistic landscape of snowy mountains which use negative space, this means that the mountains can become the sky and the sky becomes the mountains, in other words, the graphic flips depending on which direction you ride or look at it. I hope you like it!


I love it Kylie Swindells !!!

My favourite so far !


cheese  cheese



Instagram: Sarah Lucassen

Graphic Design Student - TAFE Gold Coast. All original artwork smile


foxy design, hope you dig it


Designer: Binx
Instagram: ‘binx_designs’