The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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That’s right. just went you thought it’s gone for good, it’s back!!!!!
Sorry guys for the below blatant pitch, and for not being on the forums for a while. We have had a few setbacks this year, but have been head down moving this thing along.
We are re-running our pitch on Kickstarter to get Strewth Bindings up and running. Here’s the link;
Strewth Kickstarter
If you know anyone who might be interested, please share it.
If you want the full grovelling post, we can post that too…. We have no shame anymore!
PS. This is still the old video from 1 year+ ago. Didn’t have the time etc to remake it. The bindings have come along though and can be seen in the video lower in the page. The final versions will be looking Good!
they look pretty interesting.
seems like something like these bindings could really help make the mountain more easily accessible to boarders. looks good.
and from an engineering standpoint they look pretty well made.
what do these things weigh out of curiosity?
what do these things weigh out of curiosity?
About as much as dead dingo’s donger!!!!!
Weight is just on 1KG each, which is pretty standard. Final prod ones might be a touch under.
what do these things weigh out of curiosity?
About as much as dead dingo’s donger!!!!!
I haven’t weighed one of those Mizu, so will have to take your word for it
what do these things weigh out of curiosity?
About as much as dead dingo’s donger!!!!!
I haven’t weighed one of those Mizu, so will have to take your word for it
They’re just on 1kg each, which is pretty standard!!!!!