The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Few lads hitting jumps and stuff at thredbo.
Lucas Banwell Steven Parson Jeremy Burns ( rad gloves ) Ben Newman
Few lads hitting jumps and stuff at thredbo.
Lucas Banwell Steven Parson Jeremy Burns ( rad gloves ) Ben Newman
Welcome to Boardworld, Thred’n butter.
Great edit. I enjoyed that one. In future, also send your content to media(at) so one of the editors can give it a push on the homepage and social media for you. Looking forward to seeing more!
I edited your post for you to include the video. You only need to paste the numbers after the (see below)
Ahhh!! Benny Newman!! Good mate of mine, doing some solid filming down at thredbo this year!
Go get em benny! yew!