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This was brought up in another thread, so i thought id start a new topic.
So what annoys you in lift lines.
Pet hates for me are….
*Idiots who slide over the back of your board scratching it up and chipping edges.
*People who get to the front of the line and realise their mate is 5 rows back, so they sit there and wait for them, forcing everyone else to squeeze around them.
*Someone who walks into a lift line and then tries to put their board/skis on in the middle of the lift line while flailing around.
*Line etiquette. When two rows join, its like a zipper. One from my row - one from yours. Dont try and push ahead.
*Oh, and dont smoke in the line, and then just throw your butt on the ground.
(my brother actually picked up someones butt once, tapped the guy on the shoulder and said you dropped this. He then stuffed the butt into the smokers open pocket. The guy didnt know what to say.)
Pet hates for me are….
*Idiots who slide over the back of your board scratching it up and chipping edges.
Absolutely, and the culprits usually aren’t other snowboarders….!
what bothers me most in lift lines….People…...All kinds of people..Smart ,stupid,skiers ,shredders,young ,old..
If there were no people there would be no worries
Smokers and people who don’t understand basic etiquette (when the lines merge, they always think it’s their turn).
To be honest, lifties in some places annoy me also.
i know i’m kinda missing the point here but can i say thank you to all the people busting out crazy style with their outfits. I love seeing horrible colour schemes and people rocking jumpers they clearly got for christmas while i’m waiting my turn to get on the lift. also special mention to the heros rocking straight skis well over two metres long, these guys know how to dress, kudos!
what bothers me most in lift lines….People…...All kinds of people..Smart ,stupid,skiers ,shredders,young ,old..
If there were no people there would be no worries
yeah im with you dave…. Nothing like ending a run and finding no one around, release the back foot and glide right on in….
what bothers me most in lift lines….People…...All kinds of people..Smart ,stupid,skiers ,shredders,young ,old..
If there were no people there would be no worriesyeah im with you dave…. Nothing like ending a run and finding no one around, release the back foot and glide right on in….
I don`t want them around because sometimes I undo the wrong foot and I hate apologizing to the people I wipe OUT..
To be honest, lifties in some places annoy me also.
Oh the lifties at Thredbo have been painful lately.
Not their fault i guess but they have all been given barcode scanners and try to scan your ticket every time you pass.
Firstly its not as quick now as a casual glance used to be, and on top of that the scanners dont seem to work too well and they have to spend time holding the ticket at the right angle and without any creases etc.
Also, i can understand them leaving people to work their own way into 4’s when its quiet. But it sucks when its busy and they just stand back and its a free for all with everyone cramming at the front of the line. Its your job buddy. How hard it to stand there and say, 4 from this line, you 3 and a single, 4 from that line.
I’d say the lines, but it is the people that make the line, and the line wouldnt exist without the people, so I’ll just agree with Dave, the people.
Getting my equipment abused… from people, refer to the above item.
I agree with Aidy too, I enjoy the freak show.
Ha, queues in Yurop.
no ropes, no lifties barking at you or scanning barcodes, it’s just a mass push, every person for him/herself. Personal space is pretty limited in Europe and it means very little.
You feel (and smell) it especially on the Paris subway in July, where you wonder if anybody ever takes a shower.
Whistler Peak chair opens , Rob and I get there within the 2nd chair up. We enjoy awesome fresh lines and come down to a line thats developing into a monnnnster. We join up, after getting to the middle, these dudes come down after getting fresh, and pull the gate open, joining the line. We looked at them like ... are you serious?? They look at us and go “locals rule eh boys”. Like seriously? Screw this guy, I live in Whist and he gives us a bad name, dick. Then this old timer who was with us (so we were 5 on a 4 chair) threw his pole infront of them when they tried to skate for a chair going ” I guess you locals cant count”... so good.
but wtf..
saturdays and holidays ... what a waste of my time standing in a lift line for that amount of time!
saturdays and holidays ... what a waste of my time standing in a lift line for that amount of time!
Grrr…time AND money…
I board in perisher, that 8-chair is not worth it. the lines are massive and you can just walk to the 4 chair like 20 metres away. usually though i board in pretty remote areas so the lines are obsolete and the lifties are champions. lines suck ass though.
people in lift lines bother me the most. Waiting in lines makes me not want to be there. There is always somewhere with less lines though - you just gotta go look.
Got to agree with people sliding their equipment over your board and wrecking it.
Queue jumpers. I’ve been waiting here (somewhat) patiently for 10 mins, don’t for a second think that you’re going to rock up and jump in front of me…
The thing that absolutely annoys me the most though, is people that smoke in the line. Have a bit of respect for the people around you!