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The Lift Line


Morning ladies, I hope I find you all well on this fine day!

I thought “the lift line” more appropriate for us than a “role call”, because what better place to shoot the breeze whilst you’re chilling out, waiting for something better to happen?


So tired this morning after an uber long & boring meeting last night blank stare

Looking forward to tonight when my Dad, Bro in Law and few mates come help us move the mini ramp into place !!!!!!!!!

Great name for this thread Empire !!!!!!!! I shotgun chair 69

TGIF smile


Hooked up my LCD to macbook pro via HDMI last night. Wow I made a good purchase 6 years ago on this telly. Opened up so many more preferences!

Kicked back and got through another 4 episodes of Heroes (season 4) in excellent quality, only 2 left.

Spent my waking hours this morn surfing the net on a 38” screen.

The LCD sits at the end of my bed. I’m just about ready for the knee surgery and set up for the recovery.


Yea Spaz- good luck with the sugery! how long will you be laid up?


Just chillin on me lunch brake and watchin the 400 hundred tonne crane lift our roof sheets up on the roof, wait a mintue look out shigstygsfgtashgvshhhjashvxgfgauhggsuuafggadvhug….......


Im chillin in the Lifty line today! Day off! woot! Whats crackin peoples?
Spaz, cool set up by the sounds of it? I wish i had that the the first couple of months i had my colarbone plate put in!

Only bad thing bout my day off is i have to go spend $800 that i dont have on new car tyres cos mine are pretty much slicks :(


Yeh $800 aint much, but i just dont have the $$ to spare on it, had to borrow from the folks. People forget how expensive motoring is!


Yeah I think my last set cost me $2400 for four. When I say me, I mean the company cheese


Nah my work ute came with Dunlop SP Sport Maxxs on it and after they were amazing. After they went, I just got the next best set of Kumhos which were $200 a tyre cheaper, so I gave them a crack instead. Turned out that the extra $800 would have been money well spent and after they went, I got the Dunlops again. Once you’ve had an awesome set of tyres you really notice the difference that it makes!


^^^ mizu I think you need to get a better car with better wheels…


Car fools! It’s all about weight. The tires last at least twice as long on a small light weight car.

Then again. I don’t have room for a spar since the new fuel system and sway bars went in. It’s cost me two new tires ie; the new tires were destroyed by driving 30km while flat - 2 different occasions. And that aerosol repair stuff stinks for weeks. My tires are about $150 each for good ones. When dad wanted to pay for the best available we couldn’t find any over $300ea. Cheap tires have less grip so they slide more and wear quicker.

Haven’t set the surgery date yet, I can’‘t have it within the next 3 weeks (surgeon’s busy), can’t be doped up on pain killers for mid Nov and mid Dec as I have a big video job on. So looks like it will be pre Xmas, I guess it doesn’t matter about being drugged out then as everyone is ‘happy’ then as well. Can’t be any later than that or I wont be recovered for next winter.


I too am about to fork out $800 for new tyres :-( money that could be better spent elsewhere!


sounds like you guys are all driving the wrong kind of cars! I don’t pay more than $80 each for my tyres.


I bought set of 24 inch Perilli’s for $250 each, which was quite reasonably cheap! $80 BUCKS???? Do you have a motorcycle?

snowcrazy - 08 October 2010 01:42 PM

I too am about to fork out $800 for new tyres :-( money that could be better spent elsewhere!

In the States, we have yearly car inspections…
Well, most states do. Some dont.
But they check tires and brakes.. things like that to make sure the car is safe to be on the road.
So, I had some tire damage, or fairly new tires (less than a year old) the damage was on the side wall of the tire. I drive a Subaru, which is All Wheel Drive. and if there is a difference in the circumference from one tire compared to all the others, there can be damage to the AWD system…
So, the place doing my inspection wanted to sell me… not one.. but 4 new tires. UGH!
I left, and decided to think about it a while.
I talked to a church friend who does car work, and I just patched up the damage to the sidewall, and his garage passed the inspection. Diddnt have to buy new tires at all.


I drive a ‘94 subaru impreza gx (the hatchback one). As I said I’ve never paid more than $80 for each tyre…my old ford laser I got tyres for $50 each for once. Never had any accidents or safety issues. Honestly got no idea (unless you have some massive 4wd thing) why tyres would be more than 100 each then?