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Poll & Discussion : Steeze Vs Safety - Do you wear a helmet?

Poll: Steeze or Safety?
Total Votes: 34
I always wear a helmet (love my brain).
Helmets are steezy.
I’m too fresh for a lid.
Only on icey days or in the park.
Never really thought about it.
rider26 - 05 August 2014 01:49 PM
surferguy56 - 05 August 2014 01:30 PM
h0z - 05 August 2014 01:07 PM

As a few people have mentioned.. You have to wear a helmet while on a push bike… Why not on snow… (I go much faster and do more stupid things on a board than I do on a bike..

This leads into an interesting topic, does wearing a helmet make you push the boundaries further thus resulting in greater chance of injury??

Wearing a helmet gives me more confidence sometimes, which I think can actually reduce injuries in certain situations. For example, you don’t question yourself, you don’t hesitate, you commit… which are all helpful in reducing injuries. Sometimes the “go hard or go home” mentality actually works in your favour.

That said, it’s a fine line between having confidence and taking unnecessary risks. A helmet won’t save you from stupidity.

Actually I agree with this more!

rider26 - 05 August 2014 01:49 PM

Wearing a helmet gives me more confidence sometimes, which I think can actually reduce injuries in certain situations. For example, you don’t question yourself, you don’t hesitate, you commit… which are all helpful in reducing injuries. Sometimes the “go hard or go home” mentality actually works in your favour.

this is what I was trying to say!

And thats why I don’t throw myself of a booter anymore! Cause i know I wont/can’t commit!

rider26 - 05 August 2014 01:49 PM

That said, it’s a fine line between having confidence and taking unnecessary risks. A helmet won’t save you from stupidity.

100x this!


Yup looks like if i wanna hit the 60ft booter in Perisher front valley ill be getting that skid lid wink


Or the one at Anton’s at the shred…

Where is that Shredit of K2??

His incident was #1 worst I had responded to, until the one this past weekend.

The 3rd worst was the woman who pissed herself - that’s was how low her level of consciousness was.

TMI maybe, but since we are discussing head injuries I think you guys need to hear the worst of it.

So yeah - you knock yourself out and I have to treat you there is a good chance I will have to sit in your piss to treat you. FACT


Ewww!  sick


I had to wash the gear I was wearing on Saturday due to the blood from the guy.

But also can I point out that only K2’s incident was in the park.

So people are kidding themselves if they think head injuries can only happen in the park or on icy days or with purposeful tree skiing.

None of this has been my experience.


Interesting topic which I think I’ve commented on before.

When I first started riding I copped a few heavy knocks including a pretty bad concussion. That’s when I decided to invest in a helmet which was a pretty good decision because as I was progressing, and trying to find my limits, I had quite a few more stacks and head knocks.

After I got to a point where I was no longer stacking regularly if at all, I ditched my helmet. Mainly because when I bought it I was only interested in safety as opposed to how it looked, so ended up with a helmet that I think makes me look pretty dorky. I’m a bit of a string bean, so I reckon it makes me look like a lolly-pop.

Nowadays it depends on my riding. If I’m just looking to cruise the mountain and get some turns I’ll leave it off. But If I’m looking to push myself and progress my riding I’ll wear it. My first few trips of a season I’m mostly just trying to get my groove back. I’ll take it pretty easy and don’t really need to wear it. As the season goes on I’ll start to push more and will wear it more often than not.

I still look like a dork though.  LOL

rider26 - 05 August 2014 01:49 PM

Wearing a helmet gives me more confidence sometimes,

Yeah, but it looks funny when ya wearin it at the beach, and in the shoppin center!!!!!

And for the confidence part, I didn’t wanna have to tell ya this, but the girls aren’t lookin at ya for the reason you think they are!!!!!


I have been wearing one for years.  I don’t think it makes me push boundaries, although I’d probably feel a bit naked if I took it off.  It’s just a no-brainer (pun intended).  I wear it for safety not fashion.

I see there are two types of helmets on the market for snowboarding, and it’s probably worth re-mentioning even though it’s been discussed here before; helmets and hard-hats.  I understand the difference to be in the type of foam used in them whereby the hard-hat can be dropped/crashed and re-used but has a lower protection level, and the helmet has a higher protection level but once crashed has to be chucked out.

And yes, pros should be wearing them in vids.

ozgirl - 05 August 2014 03:06 PM

But also can I point out that only K2’s incident was in the park.

So people are kidding themselves if they think head injuries can only happen in the park or on icy days or with purposeful tree skiing.

Dude!! Look at Michael Shu!


Wear a helmet. I’m living proof. Lucky to be here and honestly lost some brain power after that crash.
And helmets are steezey shaka

They are also dryer than a beanie.

I’m often not to concerned about crashing when riding non park. And don’t feel like wearing it but I’m more worried about the 1000 other out of control f-wits or noobs that are on mountains that could crash into you or make crash

K2_TeacherBoy - 05 August 2014 06:34 PM

I’m often not to concerned about crashing when riding non park. And don’t feel like wearing it but I’m more worried about the 1000 other out of control f-wits or noobs that are on mountains that could crash into you or make crash

I turned myself into a ball on Sunday to avoid hitting at 4 year old child and his Mother standing on a blind corner “just chillin”.

Seriously you are right, other people are more of a hazard like on the roadbike - I assume everyone is doing something dumb.. including my mates…


I have a bad habit of not wearing mine if i know i wont be venturing into the bigger parks. Stupid theory i know but thats how i justified it to myself.

But the other weekend i over shot the last booter at Leichardt and cracked my head/neck on the snow and had to call it quits and retire to the pub for some first aid AKA beer and shots.

Safe to say i know where the thing all the time. Should have really learnt that lesson after the shred 2 years ago where i landed head first on ice after launching off a booter in Leichardt….


It’s a no brainer. Literally. Can’t think why it’s even a decision. You wear a seatbelt, you brush your teeth, you look both ways when crossing a road, .....


I almost always wear one snowboarding, but rarely wear one skating, unless I have to (indoor parks, etc.) Don’t know why LOL