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Win a 3CS Jacket and Pant of Your Choice!


Oh, and I’m still cancellin that cheque!!!!!


Congratulations to all the winners and a huge thank you to our homies at 3CS for running this with us! shaka


OMG OMG OMG I can’t believe this actually happened, this is amazing! To all the crew at 3CS ,I can not express enough gratitude. Thank you so so much for giving me the opportunity to represent your outerwear.

To the other entrants, a huge congratulations and shout outs, I was up against some stiff competition for sure.

We are litterally driving to Jindie right meow for a super serial shread-tastic weekend. My lovely girlfriend Rowan is writing this as I’m driving and dictating.

Once again, thanks heaps guys, I can’t wait to spread the good word for 3CS, and thanks also to Boardworld.

Cheers Aaron


Ooohhhhhhhhh shit yeah,  my testicles have won me a prize, I shall jiggle them with glee,  thanks 3cs, you guys are absolute champions!!!!

Congrats to surfer too!!!

surferguy56 - 18 July 2014 04:10 PM

My lovely girlfriend Rowan is writing this as I’m driving and dictating.

Was this part actually dictated?????  hmmm

surferguy56 - 18 July 2014 04:10 PM

We are litterally driving to Jindie right meow


trentradpants - 18 July 2014 04:11 PM

Ooohhhhhhhhh shit yeah,  my testicles have won me a prize, I shall jiggle them with glee,

Ohhh, I’m pretty sure it isn’t the first time that the goolies have taken a trophy home!!!!!

And damn confident that they’ve been jiggled with glee on numerous occasions also?????

rider26 - 18 July 2014 04:22 PM
surferguy56 - 18 July 2014 04:10 PM

We are litterally driving to Jindie right meow


Looks like you, Jez!!!!! LOL


Gratz!!! Dudes and dudettes enjoy smile))))

